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The Islamic state

That's been around since november last - supposed to be kazakh kids. Wonder why released at this point.

Here's something that i could be a shakedown by afghan chancers,an inflation of a few idiots, chinese whispers or it could really mean something:

Afghan officials: Islamic State group operating in volatile southern Helmand province

Afghanistan — Afghan officials confirmed for the first time Monday that the extremist Islamic State group is active in the south, recruiting fighters, flying black flags and, according to some sources, even battling Taliban militants.

On the last line:

But he said the Taliban, which is active across Helmand and controls some districts, have warned people not to contact Rauf.

"People are saying that he has raised black flags and even has tried to bring down white Taliban flags in some areas," said Saifullah Sanginwal, a tribal leader in Sangin district. "There are reports that 19 or 20 people have been killed" in fighting between the Taliban and the IS group, he added.
There was a time when any country facing a minor insurgency anywhere would always claim that it was by an 'Al-Queda-linked group' to justify any nastiness they got up to putting it down, or to try and get the big boys to come and help out. Are we not seeing the same thing now with IS/ISIS? They're the new bad guys.

(don't think that's the case with this Afghan incident, but just as a more general observation).
Lot of back an forth on that - the peshmerga defence was in charge of a Barzani billionaire playboy thief. When it went tits up and they lost the town for a few hours he put out a number of face-saving excuses - first that ISIS were led in person by Al-Baghdadi himself, then when this was scorned, the Iraqi army were defending a key bit and had ran away without telling him. The upshot is that PKK have had to be sent - note, not YPG, but PKK - a big slap in the face to the peshmerga reputation and a political humiliation for Barzani and the KRG regime to have pkk fighters not only on their territory but to show them how to fight. This follows two weeks of peshmerga losing large number of people to vbied's in syria which they plainly cannot deal with but which the YPG easily take out some distance from their targets. Again, they're going to need help from those they least want it from.

Getting increasingly fractious in Sinjar since Ezidi elements demanded increased representation and organisation - the word 'canton' wasn't used by them, but the KRG have responded angrily, accusing the PKK of interfering. KRG seem concerned about the revolutionary potential of Rojava - is this what brought tens of thousands of Peshmerga into the theatre? This piece in Jacobin suggests Peshmerga support has come with a political price for the PYD.

A coordinating council will be formed, of half PYD and half KRG-associated parties. But what function or authority this council will have remains unclear. The PYD has declared this must be discussed among the cantons of Rojava. KRG-associated sources have declared, however, that this coordinating council will function as a central government and stands above Rojava’s cantons — whose status will in turn be degraded to “provinces.” It has also been reported that the KRG-associated parties registered “concerns,” as yet unspecified, about Rojava’s social contract.

Cizre also escalating - Kurdish protestors killed by cops on the Turkish side of the border, reports of PKK attacking a cop shop. And in Hasaka Province, YPG fighting IS in the countryside & now regime forces in Hasakah - YPG footage here (no gore) - it's unclear whether this is a localised incident, a change of tactic by the regime, or regime-backed but IS-friendly militias causing problems behind the lines deliberately.

(apologies if this is old news)
Discussion of regime-YPG clashes here

Ongoing clashes in Hasakah between YPG and Asayish (police) on one side & SAA/NDF on the other side. According to Kurdish sources clashes erupted after negotiations over arrested Kurdish journalists and municipality workers broke down. Kurdish side then responded by arresting 30 pro-regime militia, which led to SAA/NDF attack on Kurdish YPG checkpoints. SAA also started to shell Kurdish neighborhoods in Hasakah. Initial SAA/militia attack repelled but there are ongoing clashes. According to RojNews SAA are also shelling the fire station in Hasakah and a Kurdish police station in Mifî village.

Important to keep in mind it isn’t the first time YPG & SAA clash in Hasakah. Earlier clashes ended without spreading to other places.

CONFIRMED CASUALTIES: So far 2 SAA soldiers killed. A unknown number of Kurdish civilians killed by SAA shelling. Two YPG fighters and six Asayis killed.

MAP OF THE CURRENT SITUATION: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/B7on1nmCUAAcoD8.jpg:large[1]

Some sources from Hasakah province saying that a Regime officer "Lt. Mohamed al-Yunis"[2] was killed by YPG.

Rumors of a ceasefire turned out to be fake (The tweet was made by Elijah[3]

Gunshots are still being heard from inside the city

Fighting has spread to Qamishlo (Unconfirmed)

Any reports that Syrian regime air force attacked YPG convoy is not true

SAA is shelling Kurdish neighbors W/ cannons &mortars

US airforce fly over Hasakah

YPG w/ MFS arrested 30 NDF/SAA wearing civilian clothes trying to enter christian neighbourhood

YPG surrounded Qamishlo airport in attempt to take it, but failed

The Hasakah clashes between YPG & Loyalists forces started because of dispute over checkpoints & barriers control according to new sources

Since Friday YPG has started to deploy troops in Hasakah in order to protect from IS attacks and this led to tensions with Loyalists

Clashes happened in the north of the city of Hasakah Tall Hajar & Mufti areas. YPG took control of this[4] area

Pictures[5] of YPG fighters after controlling the Police Department of N-Hasakah in Hasakah City.

New attempts by the YPG to besiege the Regime in Qamishlo Airbase. YPG fighters are surrounding the area.

Heavy Regime attacks from Kokab Army Base on Salhiya district in Hasakah City.

Sound of 2 big explosions in Hasakah not confirmed what are they are.

Violent clashes in Hasakah continue

An Assad regime warplane has bombed Hasakah, first time the regime air force is targeting the city

The regime released prisoners from the central jail in Hasakah

Huge column of refugees on road to Qamischli flee from battle in Hasakah city
A rare report from within the world's newest state...

"I say "caliphate"...you say "established"!

'kinnel; can't see their tourist industry taking off very quickly.

After watching that, I am absolutely convinced that there will be a Western coalition force going in at some point, and the sooner the better.
well, the IS's internal communications have just got more vunerable, the UK is operating the RAF RC-135 'Rivet Joint' Signals Intelligence aircraft over Northern Iraq. based at RAF Akrotiri in Cyprus.

however, no one on the beach at Akrotiri has seen any big, black, glider-looking aircraft with very small USAF markings take off and land there, oh no indeed...

personally, from what i see of the IS - even adding a good pinch of salt to the media diet - they are an enemy, an implacable, serious enemy of humanity (in any of the definitions of the word), and i'd take the view that fighting them, rolling them up and utterly destroying them is nothing less than an absolute duty for anyone who wants to call themselves civilised, or humane, or who professes any concern whatsoever for those under them or near them. no ifs, buts or maybe's - i don't care what caused them, or facilitated them, i just see a group deliberately impose the most frightening, barbaric, murderous conditions on utterly innocent, defenceless people.

I could not agree more. An 'absolutely no prisoners' engagement.
Great film by Israeli film maker Itai Anghel - it's 45 minutes long and gives a fascinating insight into the minds of ISIS and the motivations of the women fighting in the YPJ. Some scenes of killing at the beginning, but nothing too gratuitous.

No free steps to heaven - the fight against ISIS in Syria and Iraq.

'I am fighting to live - they are fighting to die'. Thanks for sharing that. I could have done with less of the narrator, more of Commander Media, and done without the men in blindfolds altogether (I'm not sure about broadcasting interviews made under duress), but it was interesting - and 'Life! Women! Freedom!' is a top slogan.
Into the mix come Iranian Kurdish PJAK fighters to Kirkuk and surrounds. Barzani not going to be happy with more PKK linked fighters on his land. Iran (nor turkey for that matter) not going to be happy that PJAK are attempting to grab some of the local and international legitimacy that the PKK has managed to snatch.

On Barzani, i know this is from a piece of shit magazine, but some people following this thread might be wondering at the hostility often expressed towards him, so this short piece gives a little flavour (albeit with its own interests and spin of course) but you can check the facts elsewhere - the murder of Sardasht Osman for poetry critical of Barzani for example (do read them poems).
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Yes, things getting messy on every sort of front. Need to unravel what the regime is playing at in Hasaka.

Escalation in Hasakah could be Assad showing Barzani (& Erdogan) that he shares their common troublesome PKK enemy. And if there's talk of imminent ceasefires, a strong presence in a northern city is a useful bargaining chip. There will always be spikes of violence when rival armed groups exist in confined proximity, but Kurdish responses online suggest this is planned hostility, not a bad-tempered outburst (can't find any original sources for this, just translations & reports).

the murder of Sardasht Osman for poetry critical of Barzani for example (do read them poems).

'In recent days, I was told for the first time that my life is going to end. As they said to me, they no longer give me their permission to breathe.' Whoop it up for liberty.
Islamic State fighters mass on Lebanon border and threaten to launch attacks across it

Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant fighters in Syria, massed close to the Lebanese border, are threatening to launch attacks across it, the Telegraph has witnessed.

The group has been training new recruits and defectors from smaller rebel factions in Qalamoun, a militarily strategically important province in the south-west of Syria that borders Lebanon.

Several of those smaller rebel groupings, some aligned with the more moderate "Free Syrian Army", have capitulated to the jihadists in recent months with many of their fighters joining Isil.

The growth of the group in the area means Sunni Isil fighters in Syria are now at the edge of the Lebanese heartland of its Shia arch enemy Hizbollah, whose men are fighting alongside the regime of Bashar al-Assad.

“The moderate rebel groups on the border have collapsed, and their men have joined Isil,” said Ahmed Flity, the deputy mayor of Arsal, a Lebanese border town that has effectively been cut off from the rest of the country by security forces, because of the threat from jihadists in the area.
Just posting, not saying confirmed or anything:

YRK: Iranian regime dispatching military forces to Sinê | ANF en.firatajans.com/news/news/yrk-iranian-regime-dispatching-military-forces-to-sine.htm#.VL0eqPELPOk.twitter

East Kurdistan Defense Units (YRK) has reported in a written statement that the Iranian regime has deployed artillery units and large numbers of soldiers in and around the city of Sinê.

YRK pointed out that 18 battalions of soldiers and large amounts of military supplies have been despatched to the Sinê city in an effort to militarize Rojhilat (East) Kurdistan.

Remarking that a military reinforcement at this level meant an invasion, YRK said that: "As is also understood from its statements, the Iranian regime is taking a military step against the Kurdish forces and especially the Kurdish Freedom Movement in Rojhilat."

Btw YPG now in full control of mishentur hill according to many sources.
Great film by Israeli film maker Itai Anghel - it's 45 minutes long and gives a fascinating insight into the minds of ISIS and the motivations of the women fighting in the YPJ. Some scenes of killing at the beginning, but nothing too gratuitous.

No free steps to heaven - the fight against ISIS in Syria and Iraq.

Anghel refers to an earlier film & an earlier meeting with the inspirational Commander Media - the film's here. Section with the PKK, including a rare interview with PKK leader Karayilan, starts at 18.43 mark - Media makes a brief appearance (in footage repeated in the second film), but there's no interview - which might be for the best if he was gonna ask some of his weird questions. (I'm still thrown by the 'Which western country produces the cruellest jihadis?' question - I don't know what he would have done with an answer. 'See! I told you Belgians were bastards!')

(edited spelling)
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Have we had this yet?

Iran’s Revolutionary Guards have confirmed that a senior member of their elite forces died in an Israeli attack in Syria... The Revolutionary Guards said Allahdadi had been dispatched to Syria to operate as an adviser to help its government and people in their fight against “Takfiri-Salafi terrorists” – Iranian terminology for Sunni jihadi extremists.

So, broadly speaking, when given a choice between ISIS and Iran the State of Israel will choose ISIS?
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