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The Islamic state

Dunno if this has been posted. I remember it first time around. Reflects US / CFR thinking at the time.

Literally cheerleading elements that went on to be part of ISIS.

"We have always been at war with Eastasia" etc.

Will the western establishment media bother to cover this kind of thing, or is that too much akin to actual journalism?

Let me know if they do. Ta.

The West has been perfectly happy to prop up other murderous and oppressive regimes, there must be something else that's special about the Islamic State.
The Great Game

Control asia control the world.
As an aside that article references a wikileak document of Prince Andrew talking candidly to an ambassador of Kyrgyzstan.


Amongst the gems in this leak was this

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¶9. (C) Addressing the Ambassador directly, Prince Andrew
then turned to regional politics. He stated baldly that "the
United Kingdom, Western Europe (and by extension you
Americans too") were now back in the thick of playing the
Great Game. More animated than ever, he stated cockily: "And
this time we aim to win!"

Nice to know the royal family are a harmless bunch who dont meddle in politics and just busy themselves opening shopping centers

Classic stuff:

¶13. (C) The brunch had already lasted almost twice its
allotted time, but the Prince looked like he was just getting
started. Having exhausted the topic of Kyrgyzstan, he turned
to the general issue of promoting British economic interests
abroad. He railed at British anti-corruption investigators,
who had had the "idiocy" of almost scuttling the Al-Yamama
deal with Saudi Arabia. (NOTE: The Duke was referencing an
investigation, subsequently closed, into alleged kickbacks a
senior Saudi royal had received in exchange for the
multi-year, lucrative BAE Systems contract to provide
equipment and training to Saudi security forces. END NOTE.)

His mother's subjects seated around the table roared their
approval. He then went on to "these (expletive) journalists,
especially from the National Guardian, who poke their noses
everywhere" and (presumably) make it harder for British
businessmen to do business. The crowd practically clapped.

He then capped this off with a zinger: castigating "our
stupid (sic) British and American governments which plan at
best for ten years whereas people in this part of the world
plan for centuries." There were calls of "hear, hear" in the
private brunch hall. Unfortunately for the assembled British
subjects, their cherished Prince was now late to the Prime
Minister's. He regretfully tore himself away from them and
they from him. On the way out, one of them confided to the
Ambassador: "What a wonderful representative for the British
people! We could not be prouder of our royal family!"
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The hugely corrupt Al Yamama deal (which Mark Thatcher made £££ from) was almost scuppered by an investigation into massive corruption. That investigation was pulled under the Blair government when Saudi threatened to no longer give us intelligence on terrorism.

That's essentially a terroristic threat in itself, it's protection racket language, and why would our Saudi friends have known about terrorism?

Oh, aren't Saudis behind ISIS too? Never mind. They're our loyal friends, so lets not go there. Gosh, aren't ISIS dreadful though.
They have enough reasons to do so with all the discrimination Shia face in KSA.

Whatever Iran's many faults they pale in comparison to the Saudi and their disgusting monarchy.
Ask yourself why Iranian TV would try to stir up internal trouble among the elite in Saudi.

I did, but i estimate that its more likely than many things ro be found out as BS if it is, because the story indicates hes done for. We'll see.

Eta - just read quiqiaqios post - yeah, thats very plausible too.
ISIS / ISIL / IS is so busy embedding itself in the communities it has overrun, according to the VICE News videos, it will be impossible to remove by air strikes alone, so there is some logic to arming its enemies.
ISIS / ISIL / IS is so busy embedding itself in the communities it has overrun, according to the VICE News videos, it will be impossible to remove by air strikes alone, so there is some logic to arming its enemies.
Where was the evidence in these videoa that this attempt at embedding has worked? I didn't see any. Is the local tribes in anbar and nnineveh declaring war on ISIS examples of this embedding? Or do you just mean physically embedding?
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