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The Idiot's Guide to Moving to Edinburgh

Phrases my mother has used in recent years to praise the glorious Scottish summers:

'There were some days when it didn't rain at all.'

'It's been lovely, the temperature's been in double figures every day'

'It was so warm I had to take my jacket off'

(the last one was a cousin of mine actually)
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I might - and I stress might - have a chance of a job in Edinburgh sometime in the near future. I don't want to say any more than that, as I don't want to jinx it, and anyway it's not strictly germane to this thread.

This is a city I've never been to in my life. I'm wondering now what the major issues are in relation to relocating to the Scottish capital.

How hard, and how expensive, is it to find somewhere decent to live?

I'm used to harsh weather conditions from living in Mayo, but I understand that Schottland is something else again. What say you, urban?

What's Nicola Sturgeon really like?

Enquiring minds want to know.
When I was last there (2009 :oops:) there were some grand bookshops - expect there still are
i love Edinburgh, and have done since i first stepped out of Waverley station - from a very wet, very grey Glasgow - into blinding sunshine and what appeared very much to be a central European fairytale...

i've no advice to give, and certainly none thats better than you'll get here, but if our family circumstances were different we'd be living in Edinburgh like a shot.

its the most heart-rendingly beautiful, vibrant, endlessly interesting city i've ever set foot in.

its the most heart-rendingly beautiful, vibrant, endlessly interesting city i've ever set foot in.
But you must be careful never to get lost and ask passers-by for directions, because they cannot help as they all come from somewhere else. :(

Actually, I suppose everyone has smart phones with maps now, so that's ok.
Braying twats infest all places, sadly. Best plan is to become very poor - that way very seldom be near them.

(Well, that's the workable plan for the time being. But come the revolution ... )
i love Edinburgh, and have done since i first stepped out of Waverley station - from a very wet, very grey Glasgow - into blinding sunshine and what appeared very much to be a central European fairytale...

i've no advice to give, and certainly none thats better than you'll get here, but if our family circumstances were different we'd be living in Edinburgh like a shot.

its the most heart-rendingly beautiful, vibrant, endlessly interesting city i've ever set foot in.
You said vibrant. Up against the wall with you, come the revolution.
Had a long weekend there end of July. First time there for 10-15 years.

Impressions: it's got more 'hipster' but no more than I'd expect. The Royal Mile is pretty much now all tartan & whisky shops. Most noticeable irritation was the amount of time spent waiting for pedestrian crossing lights to change, and the speed of motor vehicles. But perhaps that's just in contrast to the congestion of London.

Still love it, and would live there like a shot if circumstances were different.
Phrases my mother has used in recent years to praise the glorious Scottish summers:

1'There were some days when it didn't rain at all.'

2'It's been lovely, the temperature's been in double figures every day'

3'It was so warm I had to take my jacket off'

(the last one was a cousin of mine actually)

1, could have been approx 4 days in the last month
2, it has actually been warm and even fecking hot some days
3, on the hot days it has been bikini weather ffs!! :D

I tried to think of a list like Danny, got as far as Jenners and the Chocolate Soup shop and ran out of things I like about Edinburgh :D Sorry, not a city person
If you like going out and eating out it's great, if you like peace and quiet not so good
In common with all Scottish chip shops, "supper" means "with chips". If you want no chips you ask for a "single".

So, supposing you wanted sausage without chips you'd say "a single sausage, please". This might actually be two sausages.

I think my biggest Scottish chippy shock was that if you ask for a hamburger and chips, or even a cheeseburger and chips, this will not come in a bap but instead battered and deep fried.

eta. Napier! Where I did my training a very very long time ago. I hope she enjoys it as much as I did. I absolutely adored living in Edinburgh but all my recommendations would be 15 or more years out of date :(
its the most heart-rendingly beautiful, vibrant, endlessly interesting city i've ever set foot in.

Wow, I thought it was monotonously grey and the fact that most of it was built during a relatively short period added to the monotony plus it was a bit up its own arse
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