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The Histories of Bouldergloves - A Dwarf Fortress Succession Game

All right, so things have clearly got in the way of dwarfing for me, so I need to hand the fortress over to somebody who will actually update it - however I do still have a couple of final updates to post.

I shall be doing it in the medium of interpretative dance.

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Citizen66 has given birth to a boy, but the increasingly withdrawn el_ahrairah has had a miscarriage. Also the fortress is running low on booze. And nobody is bringing water to the malingering stuff_it because everyone seems to be scared of buckets.

We attempt to brighten up lives by cutting gems repeatedly, as well as smelting steel and making armour with it. Everyone likes armour. Surely.

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Time passes. There is a disgusting miasma in the fortress now. Where on earth did that come from?
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miasma oh dear.png

I suppose we need to build a coffin now.
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Zefon Ukerlogem, one of the migrants who did not receive new names in time, has been taken by a fey mood. Great. And has claimed a craftsdwarf's workshop. And now begun a mysterious construction!

And it turns out to be...

palm mini-forge.png

A palm mini-forge. Yes, a miniature forge, which is useless in itself, but this one is made out of palm. Well done.

palm mini-forge description.png

Although, rather cunningly, it is engraved with an engraving of itself. In palm, obviously.
All right, so things have clearly got in the way of dwarfing for me, so I need to hand the fortress over to somebody who will actually update it - however I do still have a couple of final updates to post.

I shall be doing it in the medium of interpretative dance.

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Citizen66 has given birth to a boy, but the increasingly withdrawn el_ahrairah has had a miscarriage. Also the fortress is running low on booze. And nobody is bringing water to the malingering stuff_it because everyone seems to be scared of buckets.

We attempt to brighten up lives by cutting gems repeatedly, as well as smelting steel and making armour with it. Everyone likes armour. Surely.

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Time passes. There is a disgusting miasma in the fortress now. Where on earth did that come from?
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View attachment 32916

I suppose we need to build a coffin now.
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Zefon Ukerlogem, one of the migrants who did not receive new names in time, has been taken by a fey mood. Great. And has claimed a craftsdwarf's workshop. And now begun a mysterious construction!

And it turns out to be...

View attachment 32915

A palm mini-forge. Yes, a miniature forge, which is useless in itself, but this one is made out of palm. Well done.

View attachment 32914

Although, rather cunningly, it is engraved with an engraving of itself. In palm, obviously.
You killed el-ahrairah, you bastard.:D

Can someone please take over before I die of thirst? :(
tbh, unless rich! or tommers fancy a bash, I'm quite happy to have another go at it. I really enjoyed telling stories :)
Actually, I'm going to go right ahead and finish FM's year, seeing as he's half-way through, then see if anyone fancies a go then.
Actually, I'm going to go right ahead and finish FM's year, seeing as he's half-way through, then see if anyone fancies a go then.

Yeah, do it. I'm struggling to get time to do anything apart from dealing with kids / collapsing into bed at the moment. I would just kill everybody anyway. If you want a spectacular ending then maybe bear me in mind.

I'll persist with the tutorial tonight though.
17th Hematite, 128

I smooth a floor tile until it is smooth. I move to the next floor tile and smooth it until it is smooth. It is satisfying work. Dwarves report of their happy thoughts at seeing smooth floor and I am contented.

I am interrupted. It is Fridgemagnet. He makes small talk, but his eyes speak otherwise. I press. He relents and confesses. The work is too great and he renounces overseeing. The mantle is thrust back into hy hands. I grudgingly accept.

Fourteen weeks have passed in his care. I visit kabbes and enquire of status.

Food stocks are adequate. Industry is active. The fortress is busy. The fortress is thronged. Overrun. Who are all these dwarves?


My heart is raised by such success in attracting immigrants. My mind is weighed by their administration. This will require careful thought and long consultation of the book of labours

They number thirty-three and I will name them all.

Some dwarves have martial skill and I form first militia. Stuff_it has honorary role only, as she cannot decide between tree axe and battle axe. True soldiers are led by Schmetterling:mace. She commands zenie:spear, ice-is-forming:hammer, Old Gergl:hammer, and memespring, frogwoman and dotcommunist who are strong but unskilled. They will learn swords.

fuck-seals will train animals. we must trap animals for training.

Shippou Sensei will be our fourth miner.

I am greatly glad of the numbers for hauling. Now craftsdwarves can work unhindered by fetching of supplies. With great labour comes great works.

I have named them all, but will mention them specifically when they do something interesting. Migration waves are going to be large now, so it's getting hard to keep track of individuals

18th Hematite, 128


Citizen66 has been very productive. We can afford statuary in every room. I instruct a break in sculpting and order dining furniture for new dwarves. I also order digging new bedrooms.

1st Malachite, 128

Tombs have been dug. Coffins have been carved and placed. El-ahrairah's skeleton is hauled by such and such for internment.


4th Malachite, 128

Thirteen more migrants. All are welcome in Bouldergloves. Bed manufacture is now ultimate industrial priority.

8th Malachite, 128

The dwarves of Bouldergloves have elected a mayor. His name is marty21 and he forbids export of swords. Compliance is simple, for Bouldergloves only lends the tips of swords to enemies.

12th Malachite, 128

The Helmed Scratches, novice squad, spar and train on the surface. Soldiers must adjust to sunlight, to meet the enemy without nausea.

The only visible signs of Bouldergloves are Depot, Small Door and Training Dwarves. What message does this send? It says we are cowards who hide in the earth. No longer. We shall build walls on the land. Two entrances: One for trade and one for trapping enemies. Migrants: Do you know masonry?


(summer part 2 to come after the weekend)
13th Malachite, 128

Sounds of violence echo down stairs. I hurry to inspect. It is livestock quarrels of great number.


Cow has done most damage with her horns.


it goes on and on and on like this. I'm amazed they're all still standing

I order her butchered. When we have a butcher, we will have beef stew.

18th Malachite, 128


New room is added to museum. It is memorial statue garden to the founders. fractionman and treefrog are yet missing. They are founding dwarves, citizen66; do you require more inspiration? Wait. Why is stuff_it sleeping? Why is she sleeping in the hospital? Why is her left foot wounded? Why is no doctor attending? It is because I have not assigned diagnosis labour. I correct the error. emanymton, chief medical dwarf examines the patient.


The injuries are many. emanymton performs first surgery.


When recovered, stuff_it must tell me assailant's name.
That would be stuff_it who decided to kick a goblin in the dagger.

(It is worth remembering that goblin thieves are significantly more dangerous than kobold thieves. Dwarves don't really seem to care who they're fighting though, they'll attack a wombat in the same way as a werewolf.)
This is the last history of summer

18th Galena, 128

A month has passed and I neglect my diary. Allow me to summarise. There have been two births in Bouldergloves. True natives of The Lean Rim. They are:

Thob, daughter of Tuxta and rubbershoes. Strong and iron willed. A future soldier of Bouldergloves.
Olin, son of Garek and beesonthewhatnow. He is clumsy.

Stuff_it remains hospitalised as doctors feel that hauling stones is more important. I forbid doctors from hauling. Heal that dwarf!

Surface walls are complete. I order drawbridges and traps.


We finally have sufficient bedrooms for all dwarves. I feel boding of further immigration, so maintain high levels of bed production.

21st Galena, 128

Dwarf children admire my statue. They are good dwarves and will know legends of Bouldergloves.


I have located several coal veins. We are awash in ore, but fuel is scarce. Temptation of magma is strong. Endless heat for smelting and forging. But it is many hundreds deep, and harbours its own dangers. We are not ready yet.

26th Galena, 128


The child Athel has organised a party. Athel is son of el-ahrairah and has been ecstatic lately, despite being forced to watch decay of her body on great hall floor. It is good to see strong dwarvish recovery from such stress.


Only one dwarf attends the party. beesonthewhatnow hums a tune.

5th Limestone, 128

Our mayor, marty21, inquires of me. When might she be allowed the lodgings befitting her station?


Very well. I begin designation of noble bedrooms. There will be more to come.

8th Limestone, 128

Stuff_it's treatment reaches critical phase. emanymanton applies cast to broken foot. His pet rabbit Nish observes the procedure.


9th Limestone, 128

The treatment is a success. Stuff_it walks and immediately applies herself to labour of crafting new tables for great hall. She is exemplary dwarf and lesson to us all.


19th LImestone, 128

First butcher of Bouldergloves is Minnie_the_Minx. She takes cow to slaughter. The beef must flow.


20th Limestone, 128

Migrants. Welcome. You number eleven. We can accommodate you.

Welcome of husband and wife leanderman and sihi is interrupted by kobold thieves. I order all new migrants into squads in capture attempt. If they can occupy for a time, The Helmed Scratches will move in for the kill.


Sihi strikes first, charging into and toppling the kobold. leanderman misses, but target flees towards migrants. Sihi lands two punches to floored opponent, but is parried and stabbed in foot. She falls. The kobold makes escape. I know now that kobolds are fast. We do not pursue.


leanderman gets close enough to charge his quarry. Counterstrike is swift and brutal. He is stabbed in head and dies before striking the floor. Kobold evades pursuers and flees through the pools of human blood.


It is a grim welcome. Maurice Picarda, assistant doctor, carries sihi from battlefield.


Ten dwarves then are added to our number.
Among them is talented weaver, DexterTCN. Clothes are beginning to wear thin. He will tailor, but we have no cloth. But it is autumn and we shall trade. Gold and platinum crafts are stockpiled. This year, Bouldergloves will afford much trade.

2nd Sandstone, 128

Fridgemagnet has a pet cat. I do not know date of adoption, but it arrived with migrants in past. His name is udib and he is skinny with hair that is all shades of reddy brown; auburn, brown, russet, raw umber. Today, he is in the reeds, chasing fireflies.


13th Sandstone, 128

Marty21 ends her mandate forbidding export of short swords. There was never any danger of such thing, Marty. She is pleased, regardless.

24th Sandstone, 128

Pingu claims a craftsdwarf's workshop, no doubt to produce another fabulously detailed craft of no useful function. When will a dwarf build us an artifact of weapon or armour?

5th Timber, 128

Sihi is fully healed from kobold attack, but remains very unhappy. Not only did she watch her husband die, she was forced into military service and immediately injured. She is settling in to her job smoothing fortress walls. I hope the fine works of Bouldergloves give her happy thoughts. We do not want tantrums.


8th Timber, 128

Mayor Marty21 now mandates the construction of bucklers. We will comply. When mandate ends, we will melt them back to useful iron. It will at least improve our armouring skills.

11th Timber, 128

A swarm? herd? tribe? of Thrips People buzzes and swoops over the hills to the North. They seem peaceful, but their forms disturb.


19th Timber, 128

The Caravan and Liason have arrived. Now all dwarves of Eweecamo will know the wealth of Bouldergloves.


Laptop and Spirals immediately sprint to the approaching traders and steal a piece of cloth each (alpaca wool and cave spider silk, respectively). They take it directly to hospital. Evidently, we were short on bandages.

21st Timber, 128

Sixty-three thousand five hundred five. I will write it twice, for it gives me great joy to do so. Sixty-three thousand five hundred five is the wealth of Bouldergloves available to trade. We could buy entire caravan and buy it again. I cast off restraint and go shopping. Steel weapons and armour. All the alcohol (rum, wine, beer). All the food (meat, fish, blood, mushroom, cheese). Leather, cloth, wood. The bill is fifteen thousand nine hundred five. I trade gold and platinum crafts worth thirty thouand seventy three. It is extravagant tip. I suspect earlier cloth theft will be forgiven.


I order expansion of stockpiles and construction of storage bins.

25th Timber, 128

Pingu has finally begun artifact. It seems he was waiting for delivery of cloth, for he has taken a piece of woven pig tail fiber. Also three lumps of coal. A curious recipe.


What wonderous craft. An amulet made of coal, decorated with coal. It will take pride of place in great hall as reminder of productive and useful craft of Bouldergloves. Well done Pingu.
This is the history of Winter

20th Moonstone, 128

All days of Moonstone are spent enlarging stockpiles, building barels and bins, and storing our newly purchased goods. Bouldergloves swims in riches. No dwarf lies idle.

21st Moonstone, 128

Our metalwork is shoddy. Armourers and weaponsmiths are too great in number and share too little work. I reduce allocation of labours and increase orders for weapons and armour. With practice, we will be masters.

In anticipation, I order flux stone mined (for us, marble) and pig iron smelted. Steel production will follow.

1st Opal, 128

Livestock are cramped. Training soldiers interrupt their feeding. I design new pasture, with direct stair access to kitchens. Now meat industry may thrive.


7th Opal, 128

A kobold thief is detected. This time, it is surrounded by The Helmed Scratches. Vengeance for sihi will be sweet.


Dotcommunist makes first contact, charging and knocking the kobold over and slapping its toe with the flat of his axe. memespring joins in with the flat of his axe, breaking its leg. Dotcommunist lunges in and bites the same leg, wrenching it around, tearing muscle, nerve and artery. The kobold attempts a counterstike, but misses, giving dotcommunist time to hack its left foot off.

Now memespring and schmetterling take turns with axe and spear, hacking and stabbing. The kobold perishes, having dealt no damage. Victory for Bouldergloves.


8th Opal, 128

Another kobold thief tries its luck. The Helmed Scratches are quick to respond. This kobold is nimble and manages to escape the fortress walls. But dotcommunist pursues into the reeds, closing the gap and bowling it over.


The kobold thrusts its dagger into dotcommunist's arm, where it lodges. The red mist descends. In a blind rage, the dwarf bites the kobold's middle finger and cracks a nail. This is not proper dwarven combat move. dotcommunist merely pushes the kobold around until its arm is broken. Old Gergl and zenie hurry; they will finish this fight in the proper way.

But they are too late. dotcommunist finally remembers that he is a dwarf, swings his axe and buries it in the kobold's skull.

Victorious, he heads to the hospital to have his arm fixed.


10th Opal, 128

As stockpile work ends, dwarves become idle. Bouldergloves is thriving and we want for nothing. But all dwarves know true calling. We must delve deep. There are gems and there is lava. There are caverns and there are beasts. I order mineshaft to be continued.

Almost immediately, a new cavern is reached. rich!'s pick strikes the floor, which gives way to free space. The air that rushes past is warm. Can it be? Have we found lava so shallow?

11th Opal, 128


It is true! A magma pool, a mere fifty below the fortress! Our fortune is great. We will move all metalwork to this location.

27th Opal, 128

Dwarf Poot is taken by a fey mood. She is unskilled dwarf. I do not expect greatness. She gathers jet, chert and quartz.

Excavation of great magma forge proceeds well.


5th Obsidian, 128

Penimania bears a child. The father is Barking_Mad. Their son is named Dumat, who likes sheep.

8th Obsidian, 128


Poot made an earring. That's nice, Poot.

14th Obsidian, 128


The forge room is complete. Magma channels run beneath the forges. Treefrog is sent to remove last tile and release flow. The procedure passes without incident and the channel begins to fill.


Soon, these rooms will ring with the sound of hammers.
So, that's two years in the history of Bouldergloves. I've been enjoying this immensely and unless anyone else would like a go, I'd like to carry on. That is, so long as you lot aren't getting bored :D

Next year we can expect our first real taste of the enemy, further exploration of the caverns and their inhabitants, and a start on some impressive architecture.
That way lies madness.

Although I do want to know how those lava forges work. :D

You need to have a hole in the floor, underneath which is magma at least 4/7 deep. You build the magma forge over the hole in the floor and now you can do metalwork without burning coal/charcoal. There are also magma smelters, kilns and glass furnaces. Magma metalworking is a necessity for a long-running fort, because coal seams are not that common. Also, it's dwarfy as hell to work metal with magma :D
This is the History of Spring

3rd Granite, 129

The third year of Bouldergloves begins. Let us survey the fortress, from the bottom up.


Wait. What? Is that? By the gods. Why did nobody tell me? The hall of traps has been triggered. The gore is wall to wall. It looks very much like goblin parts. Goblins! We had thought them confined to South West land. Now we find that two (as far as I can tell from the mounds of gore and organs) of them attempted theft from Bouldergloves. They must have settlement nearby. Where there is one goblin, there are always more. It is a matter of time before they visit us. Bouldergloves is ready for them.

8th Granite, 129

The child Athel organises another party. Not even beesonthewhatnow attends. Every dwarf is too busy moving metalwork industry downstairs.

11th Granite, 129

The newest member of The Lean Rim is born. He is Urvad, son of Spirals and bi0boy. He detests worms.

21st Granite, 129


Firky is gathering chopped wood when he spies third Goblin thief. The Helmed Scratches are close by and give chase. Goblins are slower than dwarves, but it is a close race. Goblin is eight from border of world when memespring catches up. With one swing of his battleaxe, he opens a deep wound in the Goblin's back, severing arteries and nerves. He follows up with flurry of limb attacks.


The goblin attempts countrstrikes, but misses. It's grip is now weak and it drops items.


dotcommunist arrives and joins in. Victory is swift and brutal. Our soldiers gain valuable combat experience.
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