So, it's a lovely Sunday afternoon. The sun is out, the air is crisp - what better time to take a little stroll with my loved one around my nearby park, Loughborough Park?
And what do we find? An ugly pile of gravel where the 'walled garden' was (removed as an anti junkie measure), graffiti, a few scattered needles, wrecked park benches and - joy of joy - a group of four crackheads bubbling away on their pipe and giving us the hard stare treatment.
Not surprisingly, the park was deserted.
That park used to be a lovely place to take a stroll a few years ago and now it's been turned into a fucking wasteland. I am fucking fed up with junkies, crackheads and smackheads fucking things up for everyone else.
Sorry. Rant over.
And what do we find? An ugly pile of gravel where the 'walled garden' was (removed as an anti junkie measure), graffiti, a few scattered needles, wrecked park benches and - joy of joy - a group of four crackheads bubbling away on their pipe and giving us the hard stare treatment.
Not surprisingly, the park was deserted.
That park used to be a lovely place to take a stroll a few years ago and now it's been turned into a fucking wasteland. I am fucking fed up with junkies, crackheads and smackheads fucking things up for everyone else.
Sorry. Rant over.