Expensive day
Hotel €40
New Phone €25
Washing and drying clothes €12
It is shit quiet here. The police have nothing better to do than bother me, and there are very few people strolling the prom. However, I've picked up a nice commission from a gay resturaunt. I like these people. They are gay people with a sense of humour and money to spend on art to decorate their new resto.
Met an interesting English guy here. Told me his life story of how he once had a very good job. House in the leafy suburbs supporting 4 children etc. Then he was made redundant. He now lives off a small pension travelling around Europe in a van with a small fold-up bicycle. Proper 'old skool' English gent complete with HUGE beer belly. I sort of had a future vision of myself there
Not a bad life as far as I'm concerned.
The police. This is interesting. They firstly told me to pack up. I asked about permission. "Very difficult" they told me. I explained who I was and what I was trying to do. One of them looked at my map, saw I had started from Granada and then muttered something to his colleague about "the painter from Granada" and they walked away
Not sure that will work in Barcelona, but I need to go back to make decent money. Sitges is only good at weekends.
Internationally famous tomorrow!
Radio interview goes out in German initially, then English a few days later. I¡ll post a link.
Spanish mobile number 12. WTF am I doing wrong?