She lovely! My parents had a lurcher and he was amazing - never barked but was great at catching cats. *We think she's a small lurcher - not entirely sure because she's a rescue. Whippets tend to be a little more delicate than she is but she is runty compared to other lurchers.
!!!!She lovely! My parents had a lurcher and he was amazing - never barked but was great at catching cats. *
* they died instantly thankfully.
My parents one was a beautiful hunting dog. Very tall and lithe with coarse wiry blonde hair. You could see the hunter in him - he used to watch things with rapt attention, and when he decided to hunt it down there was no stopping him. Off like a rocket. I've never seen such a fast dog, but he had the unfortunate habit of bringing back his kill to us. Needless to say that caused some embarrassment when other people were around! If no one was about we just kicked the dead creature into the bushes. But he was only doing what came naturally to him - and it was only cats.!!!!
My Geri is the opposite. She barks and whines for attention the moment she feels ignored, but is scared of cats.
My dogs don't really do anything interesting, but they're still fucking awesome.
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there they are, having a cuddle.
Puppy shat on my foot!. I caught him about to take a
dump on the bathroom floor, so i picked him up and
put him on his poo mat training thing. He proceeded to shit
on his mat, so i thought job well done, just in time.
Little did i know that he had already shat on my foot
on the way to the poo mat. I walked around the house
for a good 10 minutes before i looked down and realized
the full horror of it.
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