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The Covid Inquiry


Coming to terms with late onset Anarchism
A thread, deliberately not in the Covid forum, in which we can discuss the progress, (or lack of), in official Covid inquiry led by judge Hallett.

This is clearly a very political matter and made all the more so by the unprecedented move by the Government to launch legal action against the inquiry in a last-ditch attempt to avoid handing over Johnson's (post May 2021) WhatsApps.

Let's see how the muderous bastards squirm their way out of this one.


A thread, deliberately not in the Covid forum, in which we can discuss the progress, (or lack of), in official Covid inquiry led by judge Hallett.

This is clearly a very political matter and made all the more so by the unprecedented move by the Government to launch legal action against the inquiry in a last-ditch attempt to avoid handing over Johnson's (post May 2021) WhatsApps.

Let's see how the muderous bastards squirm their way out of this one.

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This is a long awaited thread
So have I got this right? The government is taking the enquiry they set up to court to prevent them having to disclose shit they are tasked to investigate?

How do these space cadets think that will go? I think most sentient people recognise that the impact of Covid on the chaos of Johnson's government resulted in 'headless chicken mode' for months on end. Would it surprise anyone if Sunak came out it badly? The many thousands of dead demand the truth.

So have I got this right? The government is taking the enquiry they set up to court to prevent them having to disclose shit they are tasked to investigate?

How do these space cadets think that will go? I think most sentient people recognise that the impact of Covid on the chaos of Johnson's government resulted in 'headless chicken mode' for months on end. Would it surprise anyone if Sunak came out it badly? The many thousands of dead demand the truth.

A new low, certainly...but unlikely to be the lowest they will go to save their skins.
So have I got this right? The government is taking the enquiry they set up to court to prevent them having to disclose shit they are tasked to investigate?

How do these space cadets think that will go? I think most sentient people recognise that the impact of Covid on the chaos of Johnson's government resulted in 'headless chicken mode' for months on end. Would it surprise anyone if Sunak came out it badly? The many thousands of dead demand the truth.

We are talking about the 'we can do what the fuck we like brigade' and so far they have completely gotten away with all kinds of shit including ongoing wholesale corruption. There is no reason to think that they will continue to believe that this is their unalienable right and that they will carry on doing the same unless or until the wheels come off in a really spectacular fashion. It would be nice to think that this is the time but I am not in the least convinced.
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Question is what would be a problem for them if it did come out? I don't see there's any mileage in death rates/overall health stuff tbh, with the possible exception of the care homes. The naked corruption could be if the report points the finger there.
Baroness Hallett's questions to Johnson are pretty.... blunt:

They deserve blunt instrument injuries
Why can't all the WhatsApp messages be handed over even if they continued irrelevant personal chit chat and only relevant messages ever made public by the inquest? Seems fair enough, as this still protects personal messages.

Mind you, after the Hancock whatsapp leaks contents, someone in gov is desperate to hide something or at least the risk of something bad coming out!
imo two kinds of inquiry are needed.

One inquiry to look at the corruption and to identify wrongdoing of various kinds.

And a second inquiry into what worked and what didn't, what failed, what should have been done but wasn't, what was done and shouldn't have been done. This inquiry would need to be wide-ranging and of a 'no-fault' nature - to identify and learn from mistakes rather than to punish them.

I don't hold out much hope of either kind of inquiry happening. But I don't see how one single inquiry can cover both aspects as the 'no fault' aspect of the second one would be crucial, while the first kind would be all about finding fault. So we'll probably end up with something that covers neither aspect adequately. This kind of inquiry has a dismal history in this country, after all.
Why can't all the WhatsApp messages be handed over even if they continued irrelevant personal chit chat and only relevant messages ever made public by the inquest? Seems fair enough, as this still protects personal messages.

Mind you, after the Hancock whatsapp leaks contents, someone in gov is desperate to hide something or at least the risk of something bad coming out!

He didn't want to send it via the cabinet office because the last time he did that they forwarded it to the police.
imo two kinds of inquiry are needed.

One inquiry to look at the corruption and to identify wrongdoing of various kinds.

And a second inquiry into what worked and what didn't, what failed, what should have been done but wasn't, what was done and shouldn't have been done. This inquiry would need to be wide-ranging and of a 'no-fault' nature - to identify and learn from mistakes rather than to punish them.

I don't hold out much hope of either kind of inquiry happening. But I don't see how one single inquiry can cover both aspects as the 'no fault' aspect of the second one would be crucial, while the first kind would be all about finding fault. So we'll probably end up with something that covers neither aspect adequately. This kind of inquiry has a dismal history in this country, after all.
Loads of people will probably be dissatisfied with the result, as you say it's such a wide subject to cover.
Apart from personal/irrelevant messages I don't see why not make it all available for public scrutiny and people can make their own minds up about it all which is kind of what happened with Hancocks leaks. Much quicker than the slow process of an inquiry that may never conclude.
He didn't want to send it via the cabinet office because the last time he did that they forwarded it to the police.

He had already given them to the cabinet office, as they have decided to go to court, he's now also sent them direct to the inquiry.

* Those from his new phone.

The former prime minister said he would "like to do the same" with texts that are on an old mobile phone he stopped using due to security concerns in May 2021 - more than a year after the pandemic began.

Mr Johnson said he was handing over "all unredacted WhatsApps I provided to the Cabinet Office" and said he has asked it to hand over his notebooks, which he no longer has access to.

He had already given them to the cabinet office, as they have decided to go to court, he's now also sent them direct to the inquiry.

* Those from his new phone.

I hate and despise Johnson and always will. But this knifing of Sunak in public is ace both in principle and execution !
I hate and despise Johnson and always will. But this knifing of Sunak in public is ace both in principle and execution !
Proper cloak and dagger stuff, but I suspect Johnson has more to fear from the inquiry than Sunak...unless anyone know if any rumours or skeletons?
I don't think Sunak's too worried, cabinet sec might be
All sorts of rumours this morning the Sunak's help out campaign will be scrutinized, and talk about a CDU departments activities won't do (as yet un-named) officials reputation any good.

I still suspect in the big scheme of things Sunak is ok but Hancock will be the fall guy - which is partly of his own making too.
All sorts of rumours this morning the Sunak's help out campaign will be scrutinized, and talk about a CDU departments activities won't do (as yet un-named) officials reputation any good.

I still suspect in the big scheme of things Sunak is ok but Hancock will be the fall guy - which is partly of his own making too.
Oh the chatter around the business loan thing that had all the fraud that a minister resigned over...that might be intresting
If Number 10 is deciding what the evidence is or isn't then it isn't an independent enquiry
Isnt there a saying along the lines of "you never have an investigation unless you already know what the result is"?
Ultimately the establishment investigating the establishment is always risky even if it's started with good intentions. How many decades did the events of Hillsborough take to come out well after the initial Taylor report🤔
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