T & P
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I get the provocation angle, but why not just shoot the thing down if that was the intention instead of dumping fuel on it, which surely must rank among the most bizarre and pointless hostile acts ever committed by any combat aircraft? And how the hell did NATO find out about it anyway? Did they actually watch live footage of fuel raining on the craft from the Russian plane above?Nudging up the ante. Seeing how much provocation they can get to, and assessing the reaction. It's just a longer-distance, airborne version of the very Russian tactic of "reconnaissance by fire". Same thing happens with ships.
If anything, it gives the impression that Russia is so starved of missiles and ammunition pilots have been instructed to save every last bullet and missile possible.
And why would any pilot risk losing their aircraft never mind their life by ramming a fast flying object out of the sky? I’m sure this last point if true must have been an accidental collision because wtf otherwise. But it still suggests a pretty poor airmanship unless the object of the mission was to to fly close to the drone for intelligence gathering reasons.
But the fuel dumping claim is the one that truly blows my mind