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The Change, Bridget Christie comedy C4



I'm loving it.
I do already really like Bridget Christie and find her hilarious.
Not only is it very funny IMHO but it's poignant and touching.

Not sure how the people of the Forest of Dean will feel about it but I have life long friends that grew up and work there so will ask them but I'm not sure it's their kind of programme in the first place.
Will see.
Watched five episodes over the weekend and loved it!
One more to go tonight.

One of my best mates lives in the FoD so I've spent a lot of time there over the last 20 years, and it does have a bit of an otherworldly feel to it imo.
The eel king/queen storyline isn't that far-fetched either, this is my mate's friend and neighbour and this was only 12 years ago!
Watched five episodes over the weekend and loved it!
One more to go tonight.

One of my best mates lives in the FoD so I've spent a lot of time there over the last 20 years, and it does have a bit of an otherworldly feel to it imo.
The eel king/queen storyline isn't that far-fetched either, this is my mate's friend and neighbour and this was only 12 years ago!
It’s weird how the flora in the area is so different from most of the rest of the country. At least those similar areas found in Wales are apparently sustained by the jetstream.
I just finished this. I kind of quite enjoyed it but I didn't think it was funny, at all. And the ending confused me.
Yeah, the ending was a bit wtf? I finished it last night and I'm still not sure what I watched :D But it had some satisfying moments, which were mostly the conversations between the women...
I liked the eel ceremony. Although I was a bit repelled by the eel throwing like a bouquet (imagine catching it? also poor eels, in theory they'd be alive as they were being carried in water, of course, in reality they weren't even real eels, but still... the thought of it made me squirm), I thought it was kinda funny,
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I'm really enjoying this. Watched episode 3 last night and really resonated with the Chair of the Council not being able to find the words she needed ie agenda.
Strong women vibe and I also like the Gammon man who is an avid birdwatcher and naturalist.
The series has a Royston Vasey feel about it such as when she went into the shop and was told 'if you touch, then you buy'. :D 🤣
Yeah, the ending was a bit wtf? I finished it last night and I'm still not sure what I watched :D But it had some satisfying moments, which were mostly the conversations between the women...
Pretty good summary.
Also I would have liked the lead to be having a bit more trouble with the menopause, despite some focus on the issues it still looked fairly easy.
I read an interview with BC the other day where she said that originally it wasn't about the menopause at all. But in the seven years between conception and actual birth, she start her peri and then went through a substantial part of her actual menopause. And so various changes and additions were made. Originally it was simply about a woman who had 'lost herself'
I read an interview with BC the other day where she said that originally it wasn't about the menopause at all. But in the seven years between conception and actual birth, she start her peri and then went through a substantial part of her actual menopause. And so various changes and additions were made. Originally it was simply about a woman who had 'lost herself'
Good thing she did as imo the menopause is what makes it interesting.
I've just finished it and absolutely sobbed through the last 2 episodes.
I am (ironically) very hormonal right now though.

BoatieBird do your friends know where exactly it was filmed? Like where the village pub is?
I'm really enjoying this. Watched episode 3 last night and really resonated with the Chair of the Council not being able to find the words she needed ie agenda.
Strong women vibe and I also like the Gammon man who is an avid birdwatcher and naturalist.
The series has a Royston Vasey feel about it such as when she went into the shop and was told 'if you touch, then you buy'. :D 🤣
It also put me in mind of the Detectorists a bit.
It is obviously very different but the folk music, the focus on nature and the gentle humour.
I thought it started really well but ran out of steam. For example, the episode where they were in the woods getting really for the festival around a table seemed really sparse and a bit awkward compared with the first couple of episodes. I’m surprised to see from this thread that it was 7 years in fruition, because the last couple of episode came across as rushed.
I thought it started really well but ran out of steam. For example, the episode where they were in the woods getting really for the festival around a table seemed really sparse and a bit awkward compared with the first couple of episodes. I’m surprised to see from this thread that it was 7 years in fruition, because the last couple of episode came across as rushed.
I found the penultimate episode very moving. Just the fellowship of women unhindered by men.
Oh I was just watching a video about that on Richard Herrrings podcast. I assumed it was from years ago.
I will have to check it out.
I quite like it. A gentle comedy in nice bite size bits. I'm not howling, it's just nice to dip into.
It turns out it was the series a friend of mine said he was working on (folklore adviser/expert)
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