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The Brixton Windmill venue is in danger of closing


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Update: Brixton’s Windmill music venue in ‘imminent danger of permanent closure’ say the Music Venue Trust

The Windmill is not only the best gig venue in Brixton, it's arguably the best small venue in London. Fiercely independent, respectful of the bands, a peerless promoter, a legendarily irascible landlord, seminal, historical, legendary gigs.

All things end in the end, but we can keep this going for a while longer. And we should. Not just to support the people who make the place happen, but because the place itself makes important things happen for all of us.

I may have the details wrong, but as I understand it, the last time money was raised (in lockdown I), it all went to the bastard landlord.

But donate again!

And there's this stuff


ETA There was supposed to be a link here for an auction of band stuff. Don’t know why it didn’t attach. I’ll try again.
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I feel really conflicted about this. I really want to save the Windmill, but if the landlord is going to get the donations (I heard about this from someone else), and not the venue itself, is there really any point in donating?
Of course, I love the place and know how important is culturally, musically and to Brixton's history. As a regular there myself, I am gutted about the idea of losing it. But I think any campaign needs to be done with full transparency doesn't it?
The thing is, if they're at risk of being evicted because the bastard landlord won’t give them a rent holiday, maybe paying the rent is way to save the venue.

A bit like not refusing to give money to a beggar in case they use it to buy drugs.

I don’t want to give money to the landlord, but I do want to save the Windmill. That would be my priority in this equation.
yeh fuck it I'm in, all money ends up going to some villain in the end, so if the donation has the good effect of keeping the windmill open on it's journey into the hands of whoever then I'll still donate.... if it is as urgent as it sounds like it is.

I don't even live in south london ffs
The thing is, if they're at risk of being evicted because the bastard landlord won’t give them a rent holiday, maybe paying the rent is way to save the venue.

A bit like not refusing to give money to a beggar in case they use it to buy drugs.

I don’t want to give money to the landlord, but I do want to save the Windmill. That would be my priority in this equation.
That makes total sense, I see where you're coming from now! Thankyou.
Two stories on Buzz today

And a couple of days ago

I feel really conflicted about this. I really want to save the Windmill, but if the landlord is going to get the donations (I heard about this from someone else), and not the venue itself, is there really any point in donating?
Of course, I love the place and know how important is culturally, musically and to Brixton's history. As a regular there myself, I am gutted about the idea of losing it. But I think any campaign needs to be done with full transparency doesn't it?

Pubs have landlords/licencees (eg Seamus) but they also have freeholders aka commercial landlords (eg Golfrate).
Unfortunately the former has to pay the latter or they'll be in breach of contract and there'd be no more Windmill.
So much for the Tories saying they'd be sympathetic about businesses not being able to pay the rent!
How are things going there now twistedAM ?

I've not been in for a few days because of a bereavement but seated gigs are back up and running fine.
Fundraising is going well - got a heap of money (and I mean a heap) come in from Japan!
Got a big stream coming up on Thursday with Black Midi, New Road for which we should sell over 1000 tickets. And Fruitbat's guitar will probably raise £4k.
I've not been in for a few days because of a bereavement but seated gigs are back up and running fine.
Fundraising is going well - got a heap of money (and I mean a heap) come in from Japan!
Got a big stream coming up on Thursday with Black Midi, New Road for which we should sell over 1000 tickets. And Fruitbat's guitar will probably raise £4k.

Black Country, New Road?
Or Black Midi?

Or a mashup supergroup?
Here he is giving a little blast on the guitar to demo it for bidders.

£5,600 is a really great result.

Long live The Windmill!

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