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The Bibliclal Book of Revelation - In terms of a standalone literary text


Justice is order
Is there much to recommend about it?

Or wha gwhan it some fever dream?

Or in terms of literature
There are some very vivid images that have been interpreted in various ways.

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Some great lyrical flourishes in the Wycliff/KJV rendition that surely must have shaped later apocalyptic lit:
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.
Pile of old twaddle written miles away well after the fact by a loon IIRC, probably similarly decent visionary ranting from other traditions.
Wasn't particularly impressed by it, can't remember too much about it, got more out of listening to Heaven and Hell at the time.
It puts all that more tea vicar shit in context I'll say that for it. It's a useful reminder that christianity is just another death cult.
Some great lyrical flourishes in the Wycliff/KJV rendition that surely must have shaped later apocalyptic lit:

Pile of old twaddle written miles away well after the fact by a loon IIRC, probably similarly decent visionary ranting from other traditions.
They nicked that from Agatha Christie :mad:
I've got no opinion, except to say that any religion worth taking seriously needs some eschatology, or how can we know we're more ultimate than the others? We need to own the end of the world so we can promise better things afterwards.

Anyway, Here's a reasonably interesting little essay on the history and canonicity of Revelations. Scroll down a bit to the start. I hope it's edifying.
Ok no problem respect.

I think it resonates politically. It was written during the Roman Empire, so the whole world or world system as the inhabitants saw it. But it was kind of anti-empire and subversive I would tentatively argue.

The 'beast' and the various descriptions, which may work on several levels beyond me, the number of the beast is quite widely (but by no means certainly) thought to refer to the Roman emporer Nero. A huge persecutor of the contemporary early church.

In and of itself, the imagery is quite staggering and vivid. Hugely dramatic. The thread possibly hasn't got legs and the op was a bit rushed.
I don't think we ever got as far as the book of revelations in the years of compulsory religious education at secondary school, although it's possible i was off sick or asleep when we did.

it all sounds a bit dotty.

i'd heard of the concept of the seven seals, but i'm slightly disappointed on further research that it's not the marine mammals...

and i remember the four horseman coaches of the apocalypse in the early stages of covid

"And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat upon him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with the sword, and with hunger, and with death and with the beasts of the earth."

That's quite impressive by any era, even the 'tautology' works well.
Why would I want socialists in charge of anything? I'm not a socialist.

Money by itself might not define class. But aspiring to live in a gated community in a property worth several millions is an obvious desire to escape from the working class and live among the middle - if not upper middle - classes.

I think he may be very angry and tell me off.
I don't think you're a tiger, either.

But this random, nonsensical, non-sequitur stuff makes it difficult to engage.

You do understand why, right?
You said I've 'got the hump' because you said it 'needs more car chases.'

I haven't like I said. Anyone can see that. Dunno simple isn't it?
Ok, am reluctant to put you back on ignore - as I think you often have interesting things to say and a good taste in music.

But in the meantime, I'll leave you to your inebriations and hope that whatever it is, you can leave it behind you.

Said it before, as one alcoholic to another: it's probably not the best idea posting under the influence. And some people may be less inclined to accept the apologies as it happens more often.

The best of luck to you. It's not easy and I get the temptation to remain in that place. Truly, I do.
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