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The 3 year siege & the smugglers tunnels


Nameless voices crying
Israel's foreign minister, Tzipi Livni, is due to fly to Brussels later today in the hope of signing a deal under which the EU would provide forces to prevent border smuggling. A similar deal was signed with the US.

How can Livni fly to Europe to get European help in enforcing this 3 year siege and help prevent smugglers using tunnels to bring much needed foodstuffs into Gaza?

Israel set as one of its war aims in Gaza the destruction hundreds of tunnels that have brought goods in from Egypt for several years. Most of what arrived was food, cigarettes, fuel, even farm animals - all intended to break Israel's tough economic blockade - but some of the tunnels were used to bring in cash and weaponry for armed groups, including the Islamist movement Hamas, which runs Gaza
If the borders were opened and Palestinians had their own sovereign state (which they have not got yet) then it would be easy to understand the desire to end smuggling due to it's avoidance of customs & excise tax and potential for illegal arms smuggling.

A commerical smuggler said:
He said the bombing had caused some damage underground but it was minor and goods were already being brought through from Egypt. Forty or so white sacks stacked up inside the tent had taken about 20 hours to bring through from the Egyptian side. Each contained a box of 12 kerosene heaters. The owner used to work in Israel but for several years work permits have been refused for most Palestinians and so, he said, he had turned to smuggling milk, chocolate, gas and kerosene.
But today does anyone approve of Israel demands of the EU & Britain to help it to enforce it's blockade on Gazans?
Israel is allowing in a number of lorries each day, but at a level far below what aid agencies and the UN say is the basic requirement. Even before the war, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said the blockade amounted to collective punishment of the civilian population.
Back in 2007, the situaiton was already dire:
Telegraph said:
The court's action came after 10 Israeli and Palestinian human rights groups asked it to issue an injunction against the punitive cutbacks, which they argued amounted to collective punishment of 1.5 million Gazans in a practice banned by international law. In an affidavit to the court, Gaza's water authority said that dwindling fuel and electrical supplies could jeopardise sewage treatment and residents' access to clean drinking water. The court gave the state five days to respond to the groups' petition before ruling — a delay that frustrated rights activists but still represented a blow to Mr Olmert's policy. Benita Ferrero-Waldner, the EU's commissioner for external relations, who is visiting Jerusalem, said: "I think collective punishment is never a solution."
So why does EU/Britain assist Israel with this collective punishment?

In 2009, we now know that the Hamas is capable of enforcing a ceasefire to prevent rocketeer factions, and we know Israel is capable of illegal acts such as extra-judicial assassination which more often than not, kill innocent bystanders.

We know Israel has long avoided the issue of defining it's borders and continues to expand the illegal settlements in the occupied territories against international law.

Israel also denies enough Humanitarian Aid from reaching the Gaza strip. In their latest operation, we've seen the deliberate, wanton destruction of UNWRA stores of food and countless other war crimes.

We know that Israeli govt. has already (2002, led by Likud) denied that there will ever be Palestinian state, and that they're not sincere in the two-state solution, nor have we seen any positive movement from Israel towards implementing a two-state solution.

The settlements continue to expand in the occupied territories and here they are, asking EU to help them in their collective punishment of Gazans! (Also illegal under International Law).

Israel lets aid in, but at a level well below what is required. Is it any wonder that Gazans resort to smuggling. Israel considers non-essential items thus:
Telegraph said:
Virtually all non-essential items have been kept from entering the Gaza Strip. Fresh fruit, meat, cooking oil, cigarettes and beveragesare all in dwindling supply. Prices have shot up. Medical supplies are also running low, according to the World Health Organization.
The situation has worsened considerably since 2007.

If this were Britons being subject to gas/electricity shortages, food shortages, then we'd view those who smuggled in electricity generators, heaters, food, even cigarettes and chocolate (and stockings) as welcome siege-breakers.

The tunnel numbers grew rapidly after Israel imposed its closure of Gaza when Hamas seized control by force in the wake of a short but bloody civil war between it and its Fatah rivals culminated in the June 2007 collapse of their short-lived coalition. Hamas insists the tunnelling would stop if the crossing were reopened for commercial goods.

My honest view is that Britain and EU should not capitulate to Israel's demands and press instead for an end to the blockade. The special "tariff free" arrangement should be ended and duty should be paid. I can walk into Sainsbury's and there I can see West Bank dates on the shelf. (2003:http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2003/nov/26/israel.eu).

With Israel still able to play hooky by holding out paying taxes and customs duties to PA, first in 2006 "because Hamas won the election" (2006: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/4669266.stm), then in 2008, because Fayyad dared to speak out about Israel's financial injustices and infractions of International law, regarding the continuing expansion of settlements, the separation "fence", and the withholding of monies owed to the PA (2008: http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/991248.html)
Fayyad himself said in private conversations that it was clear to him that Israel was penalizing the Palestinian Authority in view of his firm positions against Israel on various issues, which he presented to the European Union.

Britain/EU dealings with Israel and Israel's exports/tax-withholding/collective punishments are a mess and need to be revised.

What are your views?
Think we should stay out of it .Supplying humantarian aid as nesscary and trading fairly with either side .Neither side is particulary our friend or enemy.
There are thousands of tunnels & I doubt Israel destroyed a very large % of them. They damaged the entrances to a lot of them but some news report I saw said the whole tunnel/smuggling system is getting back up & running fast.

I don't get how the US & EU can do much at all to stop the smuggling. It made no sense to me that Israel was making agreements with western countries to help stop it. It just gave the Israeli politicians some "accomplishment" to point to. Only Egypt can stop it & I don't think they're gonna.
The report I saw yesterday said that the tunnel they were at had been used to smuggle in a crocodile, some monkeys and a lion to stock Gaza zoo!!
There are thousands of tunnels & I doubt Israel destroyed a very large % of them. They damaged the entrances to a lot of them but some news report I saw said the whole tunnel/smuggling system is getting back up & running fast.

I don't get how the US & EU can do much at all to stop the smuggling. It made no sense to me that Israel was making agreements with western countries to help stop it. It just gave the Israeli politicians some "accomplishment" to point to. Only Egypt can stop it & I don't think they're gonna.

Here's a question: do you support the Israeli government's assertion that the tunnels are used, primarily, for smuggling weapons?
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