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Takings stolen from Chucklehead stall at Lambeth Country Show - crowdfunder launched

I've written to them. There's talk of a crowdfunder if the story is true. They're a tiny business that has struggled to keep up up with Lambeth's ballooning rents at the show.
It must have been as they were going, after the fence was down ?

Sounds like it was Saturday night or Sunday morning if just Saturday's takings are gone.
The Fence probably won't be down for a few days yet - Must have been over 300 "Security" on site.
Any news about the crowd funder? Would like to chip in.
I've just written this to them:

I posted about this on Brixton Buzz and there's a lot of people who want to help and many are keen to contribute to a crowdfunder.

I'm happy to organise it, but really need a bit more detail about what happened and how much you lost (if you can say).

People really want you to come back next year, and I'm sure they'd be willing to dip into their pockets if needed....

(Although I understand that they may not want a crowdfunder, at least the offer is there)
I'm gutted. To support them being there on Saturday I bought two bottles of cider.

So Lambeths security is rubbish.
Sorry I saw tattooed security outside the bigger beer tents.

So what happened to the smaller business like Chucklehead?

I didn't see any of the security around that bit of the fair.
Gutted for them, Chucklehead is the first thing we go to before anything else. We put money aside for it ffs. :mad:
Does not insurance take care of such things? Let The Man pay!
I've heard absolutely nothing to suggest that 'The Man' is going to pay and it certainly won't help this crowdfunder if you start suggesting that 'he' is - unless you actually know something that the people at Chucklehead haven't told me themselves.
I've heard absolutely nothing to suggest that 'The Man' is going to pay and it certainly won't help this crowdfunder if you start suggesting that 'he' is - unless you actually know something that the people at Chucklehead haven't told me themselves.
It would be nice to know. If there was no insurance for such an occasion I'd be happy to donate.
Does not insurance take care of such things? Let The Man pay!

I sympathise with Chucklehead, that's an awful thing to happen. And anybody that is running a business at festivals can and should have insurance in place for such a thing.

If they do have insurance in place (which any sensible business will) and insurer isn't going to pay out then that's' generally because they haven't taken the precautions that are conditional to their policy. Though sometimes it can be the insurers just being arseholes.

I doubt they will have had the time yet to place a claim and have the admin done yet so a fundraiser seems a bit premature. If they don't have insurance then one might ask why not.

That said, if they get fucked over by their insurer then the crowdfunder is a great thing.
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