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Tablet recommendations


Another day on that hamster wheel we call life
Never bought one but tempted to get one for going on holiday so I can watch stuff on YouTube, Funimation etc. Also have lots of radio shows I've downloaded I'd like to listen to which are currently on my laptop but I don't want to drag that around with me. Don't have a budget in mind but would prefer not to pay a fortune. I guess the priority is decent storage, a reasonable screen size and performance for watching films etc. Not a techie so any recommendations (either in terms of particular products or specs I should be looking for) would be appreciated.
I bought the Amazon fire tablet last year and it’s been fine for my needs (basically something bigger than my phone to watch stuff on coaches / trains etc plus Skyping my dad if I’m away).

It has all the apps you’d want for watching things on, and I have downloaded lots of films from iplayer from it.

It’s got a built in browser, which is ok. What it doesn’t have is things like WhatsApp, though maybe it works

It cost about £100 I think and I also bought one of those covers which also acts as a stand for it.
I'm definitely going Android rather than get my head round another OS. I'm thinking of this one as it has a high refresh rate, which I've been advised to look for as a migraine sufferer.

Anyone got any compelling reasons why it would be a mistake?
I bought the Amazon fire tablet last year and it’s been fine for my needs (basically something bigger than my phone to watch stuff on coaches / trains etc plus Skyping my dad if I’m away).

It has all the apps you’d want for watching things on, and I have downloaded lots of films from iplayer from it.

It’s got a built in browser, which is ok. What it doesn’t have is things like WhatsApp, though maybe it works

It cost about £100 I think and I also bought one of those covers which also acts as a stand for it.
I bought one last year. They are great for the price and have an android based system . Simple to crack to get rid of the Amazon ads/suggestions and to put google play and APKs etc on.
I've had a mini-ipad , didn't like it tbf , kindle fire was OK, but the best I've had is my current one , Samsung S6 (I think ) got it fairly cheaply on Music Magpie .
I'm definitely going Android rather than get my head round another OS. I'm thinking of this one as it has a high refresh rate, which I've been advised to look for as a migraine sufferer.

Anyone got any compelling reasons why it would be a mistake?

To be honest, you don't really need 'to get your head around' another OS if you're only using apps to do stuff. Being a consumer rather than a creator.

I use Android phones and was surprised at how much of a ballache I found using it on tablets. Much prefer iOS on my iPad. And as you may know, Apple spent gazillions on the UX.

It suits being on a small screen or using it on a desktop even better than a tablet.
I've never found an Android tablet with a home button, which it really needs in my opinion.

YMMV of course.
The Amazon ones are amazing value if you can wait till they discount then heavily, which they do a few times a year.

The downside is they don't run stock Android, so you don't have access to Play store, but their own, which mean you may not get all the apps you need.

You can run the Fire HD toolkit to remove all their crap and add the play store. It's not hard, but it's not for the totally none technical either
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They must be some sort of calculator online that works out which tablet you'd like best if you input which apps you want to use. Anyone?
The Amazon ones are amazing value if you can wait till they discount then heavily, which they do a few times a year.

The downside is they don't run stock Android, so you don't have access to Play store, but their own, which mean you may not get all the apps you need.

You can run the Fire HD toolkit to remove all their crap and add the play store. It's not hard, but it's not for the totally none technical either
I unlocked a couple of Kindle tablets and it was great and relatively easy.

It feels great reading library books on borrowbox on a Kindle. Fuck you, Jeff!

Whens Prime Day this year, July?
I unlocked a couple of Kindle tablets and it was great and relatively easy.

It feels great reading library books on borrowbox on a Kindle. Fuck you, Jeff!

Whens Prime Day this year, July?

Yes, the main reason I bought it was for technical books that don't really work on a Kindle. Good for films on a flight, but sadly don't holiday enough to justify it just for that.

I've found it a total faff getting protected books on to it from my partners Uni library, but haven't got another tablet to test that on.

Yes, I think it's July. My 10" one was stupidly cheap when I got it in a past one.
I've never found an Android tablet with a home button, which it really needs in my opinion.
My Samsung S7+ has a home button - on screen, rather than physical. (I think all Samsung tablets do.) I was given it by the family of a friend who died. I'd never have bought one for the price - over £600 I believe. Having said that, it is very nice, and I prefer it to my wife's iPad.
My Samsung S7+ has a home button - on screen, rather than physical. (I think all Samsung tablets do.) I was given it by the family of a friend who died. I'd never have bought one for the price - over £600 I believe. Having said that, it is very nice, and I prefer it to my wife's iPad.
Yeah I have one too. It's decent but it was expensive. My kids had Amazon ones and then I got them cheaper Huawei ones that were like £125 or something. All fine. They didn't like the Amazon ones cos they didn't have some of the games on the store, and I couldn't be arsed to look up how to get them on there.
My Samsung S7+ has a home button - on screen, rather than physical. (I think all Samsung tablets do.) I was given it by the family of a friend who died. I'd never have bought one for the price - over £600 I believe. Having said that, it is very nice, and I prefer it to my wife's iPad.
Yeah - my S6 Lite has an on-screen one - I meant a physical one like my iPad has. Although I think they've done away with them too (anyone?) It just seems superior to a gesture.

The Android tablet home button feels too much out of the way compared to the one (also on-screen) on my phone due to the size of the devices.

As I said, YMMV.
Yeah - my S6 Lite has an on-screen one - I meant a physical one like my iPad has. Although I think they've done away with them too (anyone?) It just seems superior to a gesture.

The Android tablet home button feels too much out of the way compared to the one (also on-screen) on my phone due to the size of the devices.

As I said, YMMV.
Yeah, I've turned gestures off, so I always see the Home and Back buttons.
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