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Recommendation Tablet thingy you can write and draw on and add text etc

Oh, and one unexpected pleasure on a Scribe is downloading the Guardian Quick Crossword as a PDF and solving it with the pen.
Do you have to use a separate device to convert the webpage to pdf then import via cloud to scribe?

I get the impression this is what you’d have to do with remarkable and that’s a faff
I'd be tempted by the remarkable and pick up a Kindle Fire next for more general tablet duties next Amazon have a sale - they are crazy good value.
Had a good read and compare as I’m on the train.

Re:markable pros for me:
Simple so no distractions
Better screen quality for reading & writing. More kindle-like.
Stylish design
Can’t get kindle books
Can’t insert photos or images (I grab figures out of scientific papers a lot)

iPad Pros:
Can do pretty much everything- could watch a film or do a video call
Camera to take and insert pics
Can snip or cnp text/images and insert into notes
The quality of the writing/reading experience is inferior
Not as cool as remarkable
Fucking eye wateringly expensive
Do you need the Pro model though?
Do you have to use a separate device to convert the webpage to pdf then import via cloud to scribe?

I get the impression this is what you’d have to do with remarkable and that’s a faff
Yeah. I open up the webpage on my phone, the Guardian crossword has a download to pdf option above it so I click that and then open it on the Kindle app on my phone. (Iirc). The crossword is then waiting for me on my Scribe.

Not really a hassle and takes moments tbh.

Ditto any other pdf's. There's a few ways to get them on the Kindle, none are especially onerous.

It is probably one more step than on an iPad, but it's not that much of one.

Kindles have traditionally been a bit rubbish for pdfs due to screen size, but the Scribe has big screen (roughly a big hardback book? A5?) So a pdf from an academic journal is more or less actual size and even textbooks come out reasonably ime.
Yeah. I open up the webpage on my phone, the Guardian crossword has a download to pdf option above it so I click that and then open it on the Kindle app on my phone. (Iirc). The crossword is then waiting for me on my Scribe.

Not really a hassle and takes moments tbh.

Ditto any other pdf's. There's a few ways to get them on the Kindle, none are especially onerous.

It is probably one more step than on an iPad, but it's not that much of one.

Kindles have traditionally been a bit rubbish for pdfs due to screen size, but the Scribe has big screen (roughly a big hardback book? A5?) So a pdf from an academic journal is more or less actual size and even textbooks come out reasonably ime.
Thanks mate
No I’d get an Air (that was just a pros and cons pro that autocorrected).

Just tried one out in the Apple shop. Unconvinced. It wasn’t a pleasant experience writing with the pen- it felt clunky.

Will try out the re:markable- boys Dad has one.
Yeah - I hate the Apple Pencil on glass experience. Lil'Angel loves it. You can get slightly rough screen protectors that make it feel like you're writing on paper, though. I also don't like the shape of Apple pencils and find them difficult to hold easily.

I have a Samsung S6 Lite (android) that also can be used to read Kindle books, came with a pen(cil) and the case for less than the base iPad. However, I find the iPad easier to use as they invested so much in the UX side of things. I use an Android phone and have for years and was expecting to like the S6 Lite much more than I do. In fact, I hardly use it whereas the iPad gets used daily I reckon.

I'd get a different brand of Pencil if I were you, preferably one that's easy to hold.

YMMV, though
ipad is by far the best tablet out there and the base model is reasonably priced. but adding the pencil is an extra £109!!!!
Seconded, use it daily for drawing, and dad-no noodling around with iOS drum machines/synths/samplers. There isn't really much competition, and I say this as someone who has had Android phones since the HTC Desire, and had a Surface Pro 4 (which I wouldn't have got if I had got an iPad before hand).

I've always brought my apple pencils second hand, as you can get them about 50-60% of the price if you're lucky. Although you have to be really careful about fakes. I brought an Apple Pencil 2 via ebay late last year, and it was a very impressive fake, right down to the case and documents in the case. It didn't pair correctly, and it had Chinese script, rather than a serial number visible in the inner rim of the space exposed when you unscrewed the nib. Other than that, identical.
So I bought the Lenovo Duet 3 and it really is astonishing value - the screen is really good, the keyboard way better than I expected and it comes with a pen!

When the time comes to replace the tablet and Chromebook I'll probably look at something like this they sound a great travel device.
Probably not quite what you're looking for Edie but I have a Kindle Scribe which is wonderful for reading and note-taking. It does nothing else, so is great for distraction free immersion. The stylus/e ink screen combo is a way nicer writing and reading experience than on standard tablets. It's a pleasure dribbling notes on pdfs or jotting down thoughts as I read through books.

E ink is so much nicer on the eyes, I have a million pdfs but fuck I hate reading them on standard tablets or desktops
I missed this the first time round, but I have an iPad Pro and also a reMarkable and the remarkable is wayyy better for any sort of pen antics. It is just so much nicer to write on than even the iPad with high friction screen film. If I want to scribble on a pdf I absolutely prefer the remarkable. The battery is also in another league due to the low power of the e-ink screen. I've sold several people on it (if only I hadn't somehow invalidated myself from the referral scheme :/)

On the other hand as noted it doesn't have other functions, though they are adding some typing capability. And it is not colour, though you can use pens which do export as colour (say, a highlighter that shows as yellow if you export as pdf).
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