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T Coronae Borealis nova (the 'Blaze Star'), likely erupting soon


The recurrent nova T Coronae Borealis, T CrB (aka the Blaze Star) is expected to erupt anytime soon (within the next couple of months or so); essentially a once in a lifetime event (occurs roughly every 80 years).

Usually a dim binary star, not visible to the naked eye (borderline in binoculars in a dark sky at around magnitude +10), it is anticipated to brighten up to a similar level to the pole star Polaris (around mag +2) for a few days as material, which pours from the red giant star in the system onto the surface of the white dwarf partner, goes critical.

Easily located and monitored not far from the north celestial pole (spot the 'Plough' and follow the handle backwards).

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