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Swansea bar takes the piss with "Get Nailed" sign at Easter, offends

I've read the Gnostic gospels and I do know where you're coming from.
I think my sense of humour failed because of what happened last evening....not so much the OP....I think it probably just was the final "nail in the coffin" (pun intended)
It suddenly struck me that I have became a target for abuse just because of my faith.

On another day I probably would have laughed at the OP and taken no offence. But shit got real yesterday and I felt intimidated and afraid in my own community.

If you are going to publicly re-enact the suffering and humiliation of Jesus before the Crucifixion then abuse from the mob enhances the verisimilitude to the experience.

If you take your faith seriously playing Jesus should not be a pleasant experience.
If you are going to publicly re-enact the suffering and humiliation of Jesus before the Crucifixion then abuse from the mob enhances the verisimilitude to the experience.

If you take your faith seriously playing Jesus should not be a pleasant experience.

Lol....you've a point there....lol
Do you know what?

If this was done to Muslims or Jews or any other faith and they happened to speak out about it you'd be supporting their right to a voice..
Christians are being persecuted for their beliefs....whether you realise this or not. And your anti-christian leaning is encouraging it.
e2a - read rest now
i'm sorry that you were abused and stuff thrown that is not on and must've been scary
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I was brought up a Christian. I was indocrinated in its dogma and beliefs and so was my community. The shit it preaches directly affects my life and always has done. I'd similarly support any muslim who criticises Islam for similar reasons. And I am critical of most religions for the harm they do. No point just picking on one when all the major religions are similarly damaging and equally fake.

I grew up in a background where Catholics were second class citizens and treated as such in every walk of life by Protestants.
I come from a background with very strong connections still with the North of Ireland. I grew up seeing the aftermath of protestants dominating and discriminating against Catholics in the North in every possible way.
In recent times there has been a kind of peace and both churches certainly have made huge efforts to meet each other regardless of what's going on politically at the moment or perhaps despite what's going on.

I think the lowest common human denominator is intolerance combined with a tendancy to club together and target and abuse what is viewed as difference.
I grew up in a background where Catholics were second class citizens and treated as such in every walk of life by Protestants.
I come from a background with very strong connections still with the North of Ireland. I grew up seeing the aftermath of protestants dominating and discriminating against Catholics in the North in every possible way.
In recent times there has been a kind of peace and both churches certainly have made huge efforts to meet each other regardless of what's going on politically at the moment or perhaps despite what's going on.

I think the lowest common human denominator is intolerance combined with a tendancy to club together and target and abuse what is viewed as difference.
My local church is part of an organisation that campaigns to stop trans health care and make conversion therapy compulsory. And that is happening now. So I will take snipes at both Catholics and protestants, and anything in between.

And while most people think this pope is tolerant - I see him regularly making inflammatory comments about trans people - and the murder rate of trans people in Catholic south America is off the charts.

I do not campaign to harm christians, or even to prevent them from believing whatever it is they want to believe our practice what they want to practice. I'm not even an atheist any more, but I also hold beliefs and one of them includes the fact that Christianity from to to bottom is pure bollocks.
bar has got form
I know there’s some Christian Socialist tendencies but it leaves me flummoxed tbh. The philosophical underpinnings are completely different as are the practices. Apart from Charity (which the left does but calls it solidarity) I don’t see much crossover.
Christianity teaches people to accept poverty, telling the have nots to not be jealous of their betters etc. There’s no avenue out of there (apart from death/heaven).
There’s an interesting article on libcom about the Sally Army and how they fought with the IWW so different was their view points. I’m struggling to see how Christianity could be progressive without it ceasing to be Christianity.
I've never liked Hicks, and that clip nicely confirms for me why. First the delivery. Even when you agree with what he's saying, he says it like a twat. It's very hard, even if it's an act, a persona, not to form the opinion that he's not a very pleasant person. Secondly, even though the first part of that monologue contains stuff I agree with (and is very similar to my daughter's point), he quickly strays into conspiracy territory. And apparently not ironically (unless I'm missing the point of his act). Plus, and more importantly, it doesn't make me laugh. All in less than three minutes.
When it comes to JFK the conspiracy story is that LHO assassinated him! It harder to believe than the truth.
If christmas jumpers and '12 pubs of christmas' can be things, then so can a 'Stations Of The Cross' themed pub crawl.
Its a joke at the end of the day. Is christianity that frail that it cant take a joke? if so, it hasn't achieved much in 2000 plus years, apart from causing endless wars, deaths of millions etc.
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