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Swansea bar takes the piss with "Get Nailed" sign at Easter, offends


kicking against the pricks...
Bar put up 'Get Nailed' sign on Good Friday and people aren't happy

xtian tears!
At St James’s Church in Uplands, many expressed their disappointment to Reverend Mark Williams while attending services.

He said: “People have come in and talked about the sign with a groan. It is not nice.

“People think it’s offensive to Christians. If someone said something like this about another faith there would be a huge reaction.

“There is certainly the issue of inequality there and people generally think Christianity is an easy target.

owner claiming they didn't know and blaming it on staff.
Do you know what?

If this was done to Muslims or Jews or any other faith and they happened to speak out about it you'd be supporting their right to a voice..
Christians are being persecuted for their beliefs....whether you realise this or not. And your anti-christian leaning is encouraging it.
I support Christians' right to a voice - but they're not exactly being silenced, they can say whatever they want to about say this sign. They've also got the advantage of being massively in the majority, even if nobody goes to church anymore, and of living in a country where the head of state doubles up as the head of a Christian denomination and there are 26 bishops in the House of Lords.

I think the sign is on the distasteful side, but Jesus did kind of trap himself into accepting people taking the piss with all his talk about forgiveness, turning the other cheek, etc.
I dreamed I stood upon a hill, and, lo!
The godly multitudes walked to and fro
Beneath, in Sabbath garments fitly clad,
With pious mien, appropriately sad,
While all the church bells made a solemn din—
A fire-alarm to those who lived in sin.
Then saw I gazing thoughtfully below,
With tranquil face, upon that holy show
A tall, spare figure in a robe of white,
Whose eyes diffused a melancholy light.
"God keep you, stranger," I exclaimed. "You are
No doubt (your habit shows it) from afar;
And yet I entertain the hope that you,
Like these good people, are a Christian too."
He raised his eyes and with a look so stern
It made me with a thousand blushes burn
Replied—his manner with disdain was spiced:
"What! I a Christian? No, indeed! I'm Christ."

--Ambrose Bierce
Do you know what?

If this was done to Muslims or Jews or any other faith and they happened to speak out about it you'd be supporting their right to a voice..
Christians are being persecuted for their beliefs....whether you realise this or not. And your anti-christian leaning is encouraging it.
Yeh. Domitian and Diocletian persecuted Christians. This is not really comparable.
Do you know what?

If this was done to Muslims or Jews or any other faith and they happened to speak out about it you'd be supporting their right to a voice..
Christians are being persecuted for their beliefs....whether you realise this or not. And your anti-christian leaning is encouraging it.
Bollocks. Any and all religion should have the piss taken out of it .
If you think this is in poor taste, go into the nearest church, especially if it's a Catholic one, and count the actual statues depicting Jesus' crucifixion. It's only because we're used to them that we don't think it odd.

Kids often see through the hypocrisy. I remember my daughter questioning this. "If Jesus does Come Again I don't think he'll want to be reminded of the bad times".
Vulnerable LGBT+ people, among others, find themselves marginalised and effectively cast out of society because of the actions of many Christian groups, while all they have to put up with is a little harmless piss-taking. They can fuck off until they've taken a good hard look at themselves as far as I'm concerned. Fucking snowflake hypocrites, always poking their noses into other's lives, but not accepting any criticism back!! :mad:
If you think this is in poor taste, go into the nearest church, especially if it's a Catholic one, and count the actual statues depicting Jesus' crucifixion. It's only because we're used to them that we don't think it odd.

Kids often see through the hypocrisy. I remember my daughter questioning this. "If Jesus does Come Again I don't think he'll want to be reminded of the bad times".

I'll say it again.
It is distasteful to true Christians.
And I will point out the true message of Jesus was to love your neighbour. Many Christians have failed at that.
Many people of all denominations and none have failed at that

The OP is a mockery of one faith on their second most important holy day. If it was done to Muslims in a Muslim neighbourhood people would be saying it was wrong.

There is a bias amongst some people here against Christians. It shows its head occasionally but it's there....and there is some hate thrown at Christians.

As for the hierarchy of the church...say whatever you want about them. I don't support that...or the bigotry.
But it is possible to be a Christian follower of Jesus and not be pushed about the Vatican or man made rules. It is possible to be a GLBT christian too. I know a few ... who 100% can tell the difference between the message Jesus left and the man made beurocracy that made a religion.

That's about all I'll say on it.
That sign in the OP is actually offensive to me personally as someone who is a Christian. Its taking the piss out of Jesus...not religion.

Obviously every other poster so far on this thread thinks it's perfectly ok.

Those of you so inclined may knock yourselves out with it making fun of it and me...
Vulnerable LGBT+ people, among others, find themselves marginalised and effectively cast out of society because of the actions of many Christian groups, while all they have to put up with is a little harmless piss-taking. They can fuck off until they've taken a good hard look at themselves as far as I'm concerned. Fucking snowflake hypocrites, always poking their noses into other's lives, but not accepting any criticism back!! :mad:

Have I ever done that to you?
Anyway that king wanted to kill Baby Jesus, and but just killed lots of other babies makes loads of money out of exploiting Easter. Nobody complains about that!

I'll say it again.
It is distasteful to true Christians... That sign in the OP is actually offensive to me personally as someone who is a Christian. Its taking the piss out of Jesus...not religion
So fucking what?

Someone laughed at a magic zombie man, oh no.

Guess you’ll just have to forgive them, it’s what he’d do after all.
Yeh. Domitian and Diocletian persecuted Christians. This is not really comparable.

I meant modern persecution in the middle East and North Korea and China. You do know about what's going on Pickman's model ... you're well read. I'm sure you'd never support the torture and killing of any innocent person.

I can see that some people think I'm wrong to voice my feelings on this...so I just will leave this be. People are amused by it and everyone who has posted thinks it's hilarious....and that's they're opinion and choice.

Not nterested in a row.
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