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Summer Reads 2023


Well-Known Member
A Summer of Ragnar Jonasson for me..

Dark Iceland Series​

  1. Snowblind - Snjóblinda (2010) 👍
  2. Nightblind - Náttblinda (2014)
  3. Blackout - Myrknætti (2011)
  4. Rupture - Rof (2012)
  5. Whiteout - Andköf (2013)
  6. Winterkill - Vetrarmein (2020)

The Hidden Icelans Series​

  1. The Darkness - Dimma (2015)
  2. The Island - Drungi (2016)
  3. The Mist - Mistur (2017)

Non Series​

  • The Girl Who Died - Þorpið (2021)
  • Outside - Úti (2022)
Half way through Snow Blind...
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A Summer of Ragnar Jonasson for me..

Dark Iceland Series​

  1. Snowblind - Snjóblinda (2010)
  2. Nightblind - Náttblinda (2014)
  3. Blackout - Myrknætti (2011)
  4. Rupture - Rof (2012)
  5. Whiteout - Andköf (2013)
  6. Winterkill - Vetrarmein (2020)

The Hidden Icelans Series​

  1. The Darkness - Dimma (2015)
  2. The Island - Drungi (2016)
  3. The Mist - Mistur (2017)

Non Series​

  • The Girl Who Died - Þorpið (2021)
  • Outside - Úti (2022)
Half way through Snow Blind...
I’ve read all of them except Outside!
A Summer of Ragnar Jonasson for me..

Dark Iceland Series​

  1. Snowblind - Snjóblinda (2010)
  2. Nightblind - Náttblinda (2014)
  3. Blackout - Myrknætti (2011)
  4. Rupture - Rof (2012)
  5. Whiteout - Andköf (2013)
  6. Winterkill - Vetrarmein (2020)

The Hidden Icelans Series​

  1. The Darkness - Dimma (2015)
  2. The Island - Drungi (2016)
  3. The Mist - Mistur (2017)

Non Series​

  • The Girl Who Died - Þorpið (2021)
  • Outside - Úti (2022)
Half way through Snow Blind...
Sounds interesting.

Have you read the Detective Erlendur books by Arnaldur Indriðason?
Laurent Mauvignier- The Birthday Party.
500 pages of a massive slow burner murder story- set in rural France. Best £10 I've spent on books in a long while. One of the best novels I've ever read.
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