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Question Suggestions for ways to produce 'modular' checklists?

Lord Camomile

In my ongoing efforts to try and make sense of the world as processed through my ADHD brain, I feel like one thing that'd be handy is a system where I could select various variables - e.g. work day or off day, weather, specific regular tasks I need to take care of - and then a checklist is generated based on what each of the selected variables requires.

For example, I'd put together a list of the things I need if I'm working on campus, and then each time I select 'working on campus' they all get added to generated list. Obviously I could just have loads of standalone lists, but that seems... inefficient and rigid (and less fun :D ).

Was wondering if anyone could suggest a programme or coding language that might be particularly suited to this? It's one of those where there are so many options, but I have all but the most superficial knowledge of, that I don't know where to start :oops:
In my ongoing efforts to try and make sense of the world as processed through my ADHD brain, I feel like one thing that'd be handy is a system where I could select various variables - e.g. work day or off day, weather, specific regular tasks I need to take care of - and then a checklist is generated based on what each of the selected variables requires.

For example, I'd put together a list of the things I need if I'm working on campus, and then each time I select 'working on campus' they all get added to generated list. Obviously I could just have loads of standalone lists, but that seems... inefficient and rigid (and less fun :D ).

Was wondering if anyone could suggest a programme or coding language that might be particularly suited to this? It's one of those where there are so many options, but I have all but the most superficial knowledge of, that I don't know where to start :oops:
It might be something you could do in Airtable.
I use Notion relatively regularly, though in a somewhat clunky manner. I have pondered about using it for this, but I'm a little unsure how user-friendly either the generating process or the checklists created would end up being. It feels like it might be one of those situations where you could do a job with that tool, but it won't be the best version of the job. As I say, though, that could just be my lack of better understanding of what Notion is capable of and how to get the best from it.

It might be something you could do in Airtable.
Haven't heard of Airtable, will check it out :)
Airtable would work, but I think Trello might be better suited for this.

If you've never used it, it's basically a collection of virtual Post It notes (they call them cards) that you can customise however you want. You can have automations run on it, and have templates.

A template is just a layout with some lists etc setup already


Click the "Create card from template" button and it creates a new card with your lists etc and you can move that into Today's Tasks


Now in your Today list, you have a card with the todo list from the template


It's tricky to make it modular in the way you described, but you can get a similar functionality by grouping your templates by function.

Then you create as many templates as apply for the day, and you have multiple cards in your Today list. Hope this makes sense?


Then once done, either move them to another list "Done" or just delete them ready for the next day. I'm fairly sure you can have them automatically deleted, too.
There's also JIRA which you can get a free personal account for. Where you can create cards similar to Trello, but arrange them in things like epics. It's quite easy to use, and can also be automated.
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