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Subversive Music - RATM, Lowkey, Akala, Slaves, Allflaws

londonkid you might like this one:

Der Mariannenplatz war blau, soviel Bullen waren da, und Mensch Meier mußte heulen, das war wohl das Tränengas. Und er fragt irgendeinen: "Sag mal, ist hier heut 'n Fest?" "Sowas ähnliches", sacht einer "das Bethanien wird besetzt." "Wird auch Zeit", sachte Mensch Meier, stand ja lange genug leer. Ach, wie schön wär doch das Leben, gäb es keine Pollis mehr. Doch der Einsatzleiter brüllte: "Räumt den Mariannenplatz, damit meine Knüppelgarde genug Platz zum Knüppeln hat!" Doch die Leute im besetzen Haus riefen: "Ihr kriegt uns hier nicht raus! Das ist unser Haus, schmeißt doch endlich Schmidt und Press und Mosch aus Kreuzberg raus." Der Senator war stinksauer, die CDU war schwer empört, daß die Typen sich jetzt nehmen, was ihnen sowieso gehört. Aber um der Welt zu zeigen, wie großzügig sie sind, sachten sie: "Wir räumen später, lassen sie erstmal drin!" Und vier Monate später stand in Springer's heißem Blatt, daß das Georg-von-Rauch-Haus eine Bombenwerkstatt hat. Und die deutlichen Beweise sind zehn leere Flaschen Wein und zehn leere Flaschen können schnell zehn Mollies sein. Doch die Leute im Rauch-Haus riefen: "Ihr kriegt uns hier nicht raus! Das ist unser Haus, schmeißt doch endlich Schmidt und Press und Mosch aus Kreuzberg raus." Letzten Montag traf Mensch Meier in der U-Bahn seinen Sohn. Der sagte: "Die woll'n das Rauch-Haus räumen, ich muß wohl wieder zu Hause wohnen." "Is ja irre", sagt Mensch Meier "sind wa wieder einer mehr in uns'rer Zweiraum Zimmer Luxuswohnung und das Bethanien steht wieder leer. Sag mir eins, ha'm die da oben Stroh oder Scheiße in ihrem Kopf? Die wohnen in den schärfsten Villen, unsereins im letzten Loch. Wenn die das Rauch-Haus wirklich räumen, bin ich aber mit dabei und hau den ersten Bullen, die da auftauchen ihre Köppe ein. Und ich schrei's laut: "Ihr kriegt uns hier nicht raus! Das ist unser Haus, schmeißt doch endlich Schmidt und Press und Mosch aus Kreuzberg raus." 3x Und wir schreien's laut: "Ihr kriegt uns hier nicht raus! Das ist unser Haus, schmeißt doch endlich Schmidt und Press und Mosch aus Kreuzberg raus."

Mariannenplatz was blue, there were so many bulls there, and Meier had to howl, that was probably tear gas. And he asks somebody: "Say, is there a feast here today?" "Something similar," gently one "Bethanien is occupied." "It's about time," Meier said gently, standing empty long enough. Oh, how nice life would be if there were no Pollis left. But the commandant roared: "Clear the Mariannenplatz, so my squad guard has enough room to club!"

But the people in the occupied house shouted: "You can not get us out of here! This is our house, finally throw out Schmidt and Press and Mosch from Kreuzberg." The senator was mad, the CDU was very outraged that the guys were taking what they needed anyway. But to show the world how generous they are, they sigh: "We clear up later, let them in first!" And four months later, in Springer's hot sheet, Georg-von-Rauch-Haus had a bomb workshop. And the clear evidence is ten empty bottles of wine and ten empty bottles can easily be ten Mollies.

But the people in the smoke house shouted: "You can not get us out of here! This is our house, finally throw out Schmidt and Press and Mosch from Kreuzberg." Last Monday, Mensch Meier met his son in the subway. He said: "They want to clear the smoke house, I must probably live at home again." "Is not it wrong," says Meier, "are we another one more in our two-room luxury apartment and the Bethanien is empty again Tell me one, ha'm the straw or shit up there in your head? sharpest villas, ours in the last hole.If they really clear the smoke house, but I'm with it and haul the first cops who pop up their heads and I shout it out loud, "You can not get us out of here! This is our house, finally throw out Schmidt and Press and Mosch from Kreuzberg. "3x And we shout it out loud:" You can not get us out of here! This is our house, finally throw out Schmidt and Press and Mosch from Kreuzberg. "
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They locked him up
[Ed: video removed. If you post any more videos up about 'Tommy Robinson' you will be warned]
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Someones made a free Tommy Robinson tune......bit cheesy but anyway :D

[Ed; Come on - we don't need this shit in this thread]
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Just noticed Lowkey's lyric about holding 'your bloodline accountable from Adam Smith to Rothschild'. Ruins an otherwise decent track - Soundtrack to the Struggle. Does he have other questionable lyrics?
Just noticed Lowkey's lyric about holding 'your bloodline accountable from Adam Smith to Rothschild'. Ruins an otherwise decent track - Soundtrack to the Struggle. Does he have other questionable lyrics?
Yes Lowkey like other so called conscious MCS tend to proclaim stuff that could be deemed questionable. The conspiracy rhetoric can be over used and predictable and can not always be substantiated. I guess you are walking a thin line when you are making political or subversive music.
It's pandering to a certain audience, he knew what he was doing with that and it's not cool IMO. I have a strong view on that kind of thing because I played political music for years and stuck to the point, always (hence nobody's heard of me lol)

anyway, it's a massive responsibility, putting ideas in people's heads .. not just singing deep and meaningless crap or lala love you, and that line is pretty much what put me off lowkey. After that he might talk all the sense in the world, it's poisoned as far as I'm concerned.
Yes Lowkey like other so called conscious MCS tend to proclaim stuff that could be deemed questionable. The conspiracy rhetoric can be over used and predictable and can not always be substantiated. I guess you are walking a thin line when you are making political or subversive music.
I don't think it is in any way necessary to rely on anti-semitic tropes in subversive music. The line is only a fine one if you on some level hold anti-semitic views or spend a lot of time around people who do.

I'd also say that using conspiracy theory ideas in general is just shit politics - among other reasons (like facts), they tend to be very disempowering rather than showing people the power they have. What can you actually *do* if the world is ruled by lizards? I don't see that it ever helped anyone to 'know'. Nothing radical or subversive about it at all.
It's pandering to a certain audience, he knew what he was doing with that and it's not cool IMO. I have a strong view on that kind of thing because I played political music for years and stuck to the point, always (hence nobody's heard of me lol)

anyway, it's a massive responsibility, putting ideas in people's heads .. not just singing deep and meaningless crap or lala love you, and that line is pretty much what put me off lowkey. After that he might talk all the sense in the world, it's poisoned as far as I'm concerned.
I do get what you mean with Lowkeys stuff. It does put me off his stuff slightly too.
I don't think it is in any way necessary to rely on anti-semitic tropes in subversive music. The line is only a fine one if you on some level hold anti-semitic views or spend a lot of time around people who do.

I'd also say that using conspiracy theory ideas in general is just shit politics - among other reasons (like facts), they tend to be very disempowering rather than showing people the power they have. What can you actually *do* if the world is ruled by lizards? I don't see that it ever helped anyone to 'know'. Nothing radical or subversive about it at all.
Yes I do agree using conspiracy theory ideas in general is just shit politics. It can really undermine an artist when much of what they are saying is based on conspiratorial information.

err everything released on Crass labels... including Crass who are the best. Did you know Bjork was signed to Crass labels. No? Well you do now.

KUKL - Dismembered

RATM are brilliant . Saying that they are shit cos they are signed to Sony is understandable but naive :)

Rage Against the Machine - Ghost of Tom Joad

and of course all the underground Techno/House/Beats .

Techno being the mommy cos they legislated against it.
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err everything released on Crass labels... including Crass who are the best. Did you know Bjork was signed to Crass labels. No? Well you do now.

KUKL - Dismembered

RATM are brilliant . Saying that they are shit cos they are signed to Sony is understandable but naive :)

Rage Against the Machine - Ghost of Tom Joad

and of course all the underground Techno/House/Beats .

Techno being the mommy cos they legislated against it.

Some great ones in here.

err everything released on Crass labels... including Crass who are the best. Did you know Bjork was signed to Crass labels. No? Well you do now.

KUKL - Dismembered

RATM are brilliant . Saying that they are shit cos they are signed to Sony is understandable but naive :)

Rage Against the Machine - Ghost of Tom Joad

and of course all the underground Techno/House/Beats .

Techno being the mommy cos they legislated against it.

Yes loving KUKL with Bjorks vocs. Really interesting. Will be checking out more of this stuff.

err everything released on Crass labels... including Crass who are the best. Did you know Bjork was signed to Crass labels. No? Well you do now.

KUKL - Dismembered

RATM are brilliant . Saying that they are shit cos they are signed to Sony is understandable but naive :)

Rage Against the Machine - Ghost of Tom Joad

and of course all the underground Techno/House/Beats .

Techno being the mommy cos they legislated against it.

Liking Atari Teenage Riot. Can't believe I've missed this stuff.
Yes ! Ahmen beats ... hoovers ... and anarco punk . What is not to like. Have you seen the video of them in that riot?

fucking have it
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