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Stewart Lee - Content Provider

Stewart Lee The Person, or Stewart Lee The Character? 🤔
I'm sure I've told this story previously, but . . . . I was editing a show in soho a few years back. In the next room they were editing a Stewart Lee show. Stewart Lee wasn't involved in the edit, it was just coked up pricks drinking red wine all day, chuffing fags out the window and doing fuck all. They often had the door open and were playing the stand up (maybe to look like they were doing something).
One day it was just too bloody loud, and boy did it go on and on and on, (usually it was just one minute bursts), relentlessly miserable, getting darker and darker and more depressing. I was listening while I worked, waiting for the punchline (there was none, just an endless spiralling drepressing angst) on and on and on. . . . . eventually I had to really knuckle down, so I went out to tell them to turn it down and fucking shut the door. . . . But it was just the actual Stewart Lee talking on the phone with his head in his hands crouched on a step outside my door.
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Whole Basic Lee routine uploaded to Youtube:

We had our arses spanked buying NowTV to watch this last month. Said we could have a week’s trial but once we were locked in we found it absurdly difficult to cancel. And not just difficult, difficult like trading standards should be onto them difficult..
We had our arses spanked buying NowTV to watch this last month. Said we could have a week’s trial but once we were locked in we found it absurdly difficult to cancel. And not just difficult, difficult like trading standards should be onto them difficult..

To be fair, Now TV is probably the best streaming service there is for tv series - its got all the great HBO shows. I log in to my parents in laws account, but I'd pick it over Netflix any day.
It's on torrent sites if you're that way inclined.

I watched it last night, it's the usually rehashing of the same routines, but still enjoyable :cool:
I think the best bit of a live Lee show was when I went to see Content Provider in Truro. There is a bit where he asks if anyone knows why some shops have very little sales space but a massive storage space. Someone in the audience knew the answer and Lee asked how they knew. The answer was "I saw you in Plymouth."
I think that Basic Lee was my favourite show yet. The bit where he is doing an impression of his own fans had me dying with laughter.

It means any conversations you have with your friends about Stewart Lee are now tinged by this and become an iteration of his act.

Even the line above now sounds like a line from Lee about us.
To be fair, Now TV is probably the best streaming service there is for tv series - its got all the great HBO shows. I log in to my parents in laws account, but I'd pick it over Netflix any day.
Agreed - we watch tons of really excellent HBO stuff on there!

Saw the Basic Lee recently. Proper on form. Didn't even go into one of those endurance rambles. We were pissing ourselves laughing at loads of it.
I have to fast forward through the repetitive bits. I can see why he’s doing it but find it neither funny or entertaining. It just sets my teeth on edge.
That's actually the longest ramble in the whole thing. I get the same way - I start out thinking I can endure it, then find I really really can't! This particular routine though is refreshingly clear of some of his worst excesses.
That's actually the longest ramble in the whole thing. I get the same way - I start out thinking I can endure it, then find I really really can't! This particular routine though is refreshingly clear of some of his worst excesses.
I’ve seen the whole show, but I still had to fast forward that bit. Too eggy to endure for me. But it’s a great show with loads of jokes.
Series 1 of Fist of Fun on YouTube:

been watching through these and they stand the test of time much better than I thought they would. Pete from Balham and Simon Quinlank just as funny as I’d remembered!
Watched Basic Lee. Loved it. Lots of laughs and jokes and not too much ramble. But I loved the working day bit at the end. Sort of depressing but hilarious.
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