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Solidarity with Kate Wilson demo: Tues 20 April, 9am (Spycops)

Serge Forward

Just enjoyin' my coffee.
Conclusion of Kate Wilson's IPT case

Stand in solidarity: Tues 20 April, 9am
Royal Courts of Justice, Strand, London WC2A 2LL

A decade after Kate’s case began to be heard in the Investigatory Powers Tribunal (IPT), it will conclude in a series of trial hearings from 20th-28th April.

Among other issues, this case will examine sexist discrimination within the Metropolitan Police Service, and the systemic disregard for women’s fundamental human rights between 1998 and 2010.

The claim refers to the actions of a number of officers serving in the secret political spycops units, the SDS and NPOIU, during that time.

Kate has already received startling admissions that the police breached her Article 3, 8 and 10 rights (under the ECHR) resulting from the actions of at least 6 different undercover officers. She is, through these proceedings, the only person to have received significant disclosure of police ‘intelligence’ files held about her.

How you can show your support

Attend the Covid secure demo
We will be outside of the RCJ from 9.00am, for roughly an hour, before the proceedings begin. Please bring banners and placards if you have them. We will observe social distancing guidelines by keeping a 2m distance between us. Please wear a mask if you’re able to.

Send messages to support Kate
Messages of support are a great way to show solidarity with Kate.
Please email messages to:

Spread the word
Please share this call out as widely as possible.

Police Spies Out Of Lives Website
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