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    Lazy Llama

Solar: The Gas Model Crumbles!

kyser_soze said:
AH, but if it were frozen it would be a solid, and no longer a gas.
Good point, I was thinking from a chemistry perspective. I don't supposes a zeppelin filled with solid hydrogen would be very bouyant. :eek:
Pah! Do you sheeple know nothing of physics? I guess not, since you subscribe to the ridiculous "Earth is warmer than the Moon" model, based on nothing more than models in the Arizona desert with the shadows falling the wrong way.

It's the gas model that's crumbling. That's because it's made entirely of matzos stuck together with gefilte fisch paste. And we all know who...

I get the feeling that, deep down, even bigfish doesn't believe the sun is solid.

He just doesn't seem to be putting in the same effort into C&P'ing that he has in the global warming thread.

I think if we strapped him down to a lie detector and asked him -

"Bigfish, do you really believe the sun is a giant ball of Iron?" ...the machine would explode.
Huh more sheeple swallowing the 'hydrogen sun' lies spewed out by the Bolshevik Broadcasting Collective :rolleyes:
Here's an interesting paper by nuclear chemist, Oliver Manuel, that might be of interest to you, entitled: THE SUN: AN ELECTRO-MAGNETIC PLASMA DIFFUSER THAT CONTROLS EARTH'S CLIMATE.
Oliver K Manuel has been showing up on the climate debate forums, his past indescretions have come to light.

As well as making a nuisance of himself as a climate change denier and so deranged the astrologer his good self wacky Watts banned him from wotthefuckamionabout.

But its not his taste in science that has come to light. Its his taste in who he fucks.

His kids.

Dr. Oliver Manuel arrested for multiple counts of rape and sodomy of his children

Now this says nothing about his science but, well, its a bit different.

Some of the other stories coming to light recently have been interesting (but nothing on this scale).
Top bump! :D

Shit cause :( ... and that clipping's from 2006, before bigfish started the most bonkers thread ever here.
Oh my, Numbnuts is back pushing completely unsupported woo. As if we are even likely to care. Without the minor detail of evidence I am not going to worry one tiny, eensy, weensy, ickle bit...
There is a certain pathos between the bold confident thread title and how it actually turned out. I wonder if bigfish moved onto some other lost cause.
Iron Sun made it to Energy and Enviroment, the only reason this is now news is that the circus clowns at E&E are now suing real climate.

Mind you even RPJnr disses em.
"[E&E] has published a number of low-quality papers, and the editor's political agenda has clearly undermined the legitimacy of the outlet," Pielke says. "If I had a time machine I'd go back and submit our paper elsewhere."

Man after the Lumenous Aether bloke awarded Judy Curry the Climate scientist of the year last month I thought they could not sink any lower...... but by god the scpetics are trawling one stop short of astrology these days.
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