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Sinead O'Connor's letter to Miley Cyrus

It's really none of her business what Miley Cyrus gets up to so why she felt the need to write that letter and make it public I have no idea.

It wasnt an unprovoked attack. Miley Cyrus had pointlessly and stupidly retweeted two year old tweets from Sinead O Connor when Sinead had been crying out for help during a manic episode. It was insensitive and thoughtless of Miley, and drew a lot of unwanted attention to O'Connor (in the form of press hounding) for a reaction. Sinead was telling her off publicly and so she should. PLUS she ripped off Sinead O Connors 'Nothing Compares to U' video and Sinead was getting hounded by newspapers by that, too for a reaction....

i think Sinead O Connor reacted with dignity and lots of common sense in her dressing down of Cyrus - she also mentioned a few times that she thinks Cyrus is talented and doesnt need to get her tits out. Its a caring and precautionary message. Good on Sinead!!
objectifying a woman on a thread about a furore about objectification of women? how post modern.

The second paragraph explains the first. What might initially be seen as objectification is calrified by explaining that its actually an uncomfortable feeling that comes from watching this person growing up and shedding her credibility along with her clothes.

If you assumed that I meant something sexual when I said "lost rational thought" then a) you missed the play on words of the post I was quoting and b) its your assumption.
rather than having to desperately think up some tortuous explanation as to why your post wasn't a bit creepy - again - why not just not post the creepy shit in the first place? it keeps happening. is it some kind of trap to make us look foolish when we pick you up on it?

it looked like a pervy comment to me....anyway, lets get on with the thread.
It wasnt an unprovoked attack. Miley Cyrus had pointlessly and stupidly retweeted two year old tweets from Sinead O Connor when Sinead had been crying out for help during a manic episode. It was insensitive and thoughtless of Miley, and drew a lot of unwanted attention to O'Connor (in the form of press hounding) for a reaction. Sinead was telling her off publicly and so she should. PLUS she ripped off Sinead O Connors 'Nothing Compares to U' video and Sinead was getting hounded by newspapers by that, too for a reaction....

i think Sinead O Connor reacted with dignity and lots of common sense in her dressing down of Cyrus - she also mentioned a few times that she thinks Cyrus is talented and doesnt need to get her tits out. Its a caring and precautionary message. Good on Sinead!!

You have your timeline a bit skewiff there, Cyrus' mocking of O'Connor's (and for some reason Amanda Bynes') mental health was in response to the inital open letter.

Then again, why did the letter need to be open? Ah yes, publicity.
I think it's fair enough that O'connor would want to reply, seeing as her image and whatnot had been used by Cyrus to say apparently the exact opposite of what O'connor has been saying her entire career. but, yes. it's not really about Cyrus's self respect and empowerment at all.
The first bit I agree with completely. The second bit I don't at all.

I haven't seen anything patronising or condescending in that first letter either. Not sure where you're all getting that from.
amanda palmer's response is a bit TL/DR, but i reckon she nails it fairly well. she's pretty good on this stuff though (if less on others).
Apart from she based it on a premise of 'I don't think' and 'I think' around a crux of the management structure and power dynamic of the Miley machine. Some valid points, but bollocksed her own argument with 'think'
The first bit I agree with completely. The second bit I don't at all.
what, you think the original letter was prompted by genuine concern for miley cyrus? well, maybe it was a little i dunno. but it seemed to me it was more about setting the record straight about her misapropriated image and making a point about women in the music industry.
what, you think the original letter was prompted by genuine concern for miley cyrus? well, maybe it was a little i dunno. but it seemed to me it was more about setting the record straight about her misapropriated image and making a point about women in the music industry.
It was prompted, as I understand it, by Miley publicly declaring that she was modelling herself on Sinead and that she wanted her video to be as well known as Sinead's. Sinead, being the person she is, wrote this and made it public. And yes, I reckon it had a whole load to do with what you say in your last sentence, but writing it to Miley was tying the two together.
You have your timeline a bit skewiff there, Cyrus' mocking of O'Connor's (and for some reason Amanda Bynes') mental health was in response to the inital open letter.


Well, Sinead O Connor had good reason for the initial open letter - she was being hounded by journalists for her opinion on Miley Cyrus ripping off her video, and probably isnt happy with it, and wants newspapers to stop hounding her about it, and while she is at it, offer some advice (from one who has BEEN there and did not compromise....)

Sinead's advice is good, i guess that she finds it disheartening to see singers like Cyrus resort to taking their clothes off...the same proposition was put to Sinead and she rejected it. More power to her as she is still going strong and currently at the highest point in her career since the early 90's. Her latest tour was sold out and the album really successful - she doesnt need the publicity.
rather than having to desperately think up some tortuous explanation as to why your post wasn't a bit creepy - again - why not just not post the creepy shit in the first place? it keeps happening. is it some kind of trap to make us look foolish when we pick you up on it?

The point is its only creepy to the people who are already a bit creepy. Or have a bit of beef with me.

So in that way yes, I guess, it's a way of making the really creepy ones show themselves up and then back off. Eventually.

Anyway on with the thread. :)
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This is a good article in todays Irish Times about it


Good quote here:

'We want to imagine that young women in the music industry are sisters doing it for themselves, empowered, righteous, strong-willed and independent. But even women held up as pop feminist icons – Lady Gaga, Beyonce – still feel the need to strut around in bikinis. Generally, major labels are controlled by men, video directors are mostly male, the heads of booking agencies, entertainment lawyers, producers, the people designing the art work, managers, tour managers, are mostly guys.

There are plenty of exceptions of course, but O’Connor is right. The music industry is run by dudes, and the biggest pop artists are women. And even though the biggest audience for those female pop stars are in fact other women, that still doesn’t mean you’re allowed not act like a stripper taking dollar bills from the boys. Unless you’re Adele.'
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