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Should there be a second referendum?

Should there be a second referendum?

  • Yes.

  • No

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No, there have already been about 13 previous ones, of sorts. Including the referendum on the Good Friday Agreement.
Yes but I think they'll be a couple of general elections before parliament realise they can't sort it.
Yes, there should be a second referendum and it is the only thing that will have the democratic legitimacy to overturn the decision made in 2016.

There are two big problems with the idea, though. One is time and the other is the question or questions to put.

Here's what I would like:

1. A new govt committed to a second referendum asks the European Council for a short extension to the 2-yr period to allow a referendum. Unanimity is needed but some people think the Euro Council would agree.

2. A referendum with two questions.
First question: Should we accept or reject the proposed withdrawal agreement? Accept/Reject
Second question: If the proposed withdrawal agreement is rejected, should we leave without an agreement or stay in the EU? Leave with no deal/Stay in EU

Chances of getting this? I don't know. Not good, I suspect.

I understand various remainers think we should either not have another referendum, but cancel Brexit anyway, or that a no-deal Brexit should not be an option in the referendum. The trouble with these ideas is that they are plainly anti-democratic.

The only decent way out of Brexit is more democracy, not less. Remain can win fair and square, but only if the House of Commons gets its act together now to oust May and install a govt committed to a second referendum.
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No nay never

why wouldn't we want referendums? becuase one went shit? will a political party ever give us anything like PR unless we have a referendum? I get your point (you cynical fuck) but bugger the politicians, - it seems to me that the only way of pissing off politicians is to have referendums - whatever the outcome.
Refusing to vote in +this+ "referendum" on *this* thread. :mad:
Because if I vote Yes, I'll just encourage Brexiters (and/or Lexiters?) to win :hmm:
And if I vote No, I'll end up needing to "discuss strategy" (i.e. drink :eek: ) with actual Brexiters. Or even worse, with Lexiters ;) :p

I'd sooner drink and chat politics with people who find Brexit boring and would reather chat actual politics ;)
I'm lost on this. People were lied to. So we should have another vote. No-one voted for this shit,

but we can't have another vote, and there wont be a another vote, no matter how much the Guardian wants it,

so we have a shit deal, or no deal,

I'm sad to say we should either be in the EU or out of it. I would be happier if we had voted to remain, but we voted leave.

So bugger it, no deal.
‘Europeans accept democracy because they no longer believe in politics.’

Mark Mazower, Dark Continent: Europe’s Twentieth Century.
No, it’s a terrible idea.

What’s needed is A50 to be revoked and the whole sorry shitshow to be consigned to the dustbin of history.

Ideally this, but if this isn't a runner then a referendum would be sensible. Ban facebook for the whole duration of the campaign period too.

And send all the dodgy bastards in the leave campaign to the tower. Along with mog - his job would be to clean out the copious manure they produce.
Yes, there should be a second referendum and it is the only thing that will have the democratic legitimacy to overturn the decision made in 2016.

There are two big problems with the idea, though. One is time and the other is the question or questions to put.

Here's what I would like:

1. A new govt committed to a second referendum asks the European Council for a short extension to the 2-yr period to allow a referendum. Unanimity is needed but some people think the Euro Council would agree.

2. A referendum with two questions.
First question: Should we accept or reject the proposed withdrawal agreement? Accept/Reject
Second question: If the proposed withdrawal agreement is rejected, should we leave without an agreement or stay in the EU? Leave with no deal/Stay in EU

Chances of getting this? I don't know. Not good, I suspect.

I understand various remainers think we should either not have another referendum, but cancel Brexit anyway, or that a no-deal Brexit should not be an option in the referendum. The trouble with these ideas that is that they are plainly anti-democratic.

The only decent way out of Brexit is more democracy, not less. Remain can win fair and square, but only if the House of Commons gets its act together now to oust May and install a govt committed to a second referendum.
If this shambles has shown but one thing, it’s that democracy can go fuck itself :D
Representative democracy.
We pay professionals to do it right and kick them out when they inevitably run out of steam.
We now know that there is a distinct shortage of expertise among the political class - especially on the right.
If you can identify who the "kippers" are - now that Yaxley-Lennon is calling the tunes.
Funnily enough, Robinson seems fairly relaxed on the topic of a second referendum. I guess whatever the result of one it would be win/win for someone with ambitions of leading a far right political movement: if leave wins again, you've still got brexit and the mad chaos that creates - if remain wins, you've got a substantial chunk of the leave vote as a readymade electorate.
why wouldn't we want referendums? becuase one went shit? will a political party ever give us anything like PR unless we have a referendum? I get your point (you cynical fuck) but bugger the politicians, - it seems to me that the only way of pissing off politicians is to have referendums - whatever the outcome.
There are lots of other ways to piss off politicians
didn't we have a referendum on something like PR a few years ago, which was rejected?
Yep, butbthat was a fuck up. As I remember it Labour Party policy was some silly STV bollocks.
It was dead easy for the Tories to accept that as the option that we voted on, and dead easy for them to take the piss out of.

Nothing like proportional representation, and we are still stuck with first past the psot.
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