danny la rouge
More like *fanny* la rouge!
I remember a shoe fitting x-Ray machine in Stirling when I was a kid. I think it was Clark’s. My Mum would check my feet there then go and buy shoes somewhere cheaper.
I may be misremembering, but I think the idea was that the scope at the top gave you a view of your feet inside the shoes. It was in any case a big wooden thing and you inserted your feet at the bottom and then your Mum and the shop staff would take turns at peering into a viewer at the top.
One of those “they did what?” moments of a 60s childhood.
I may be misremembering, but I think the idea was that the scope at the top gave you a view of your feet inside the shoes. It was in any case a big wooden thing and you inserted your feet at the bottom and then your Mum and the shop staff would take turns at peering into a viewer at the top.
One of those “they did what?” moments of a 60s childhood.