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Shoe size shambles


je suis teuchter
Well, I know that shoe sizing varies between manufacturers, so what fits you from one brand might not from another.

But it turns out that no-one can even agree what the shoe sizes represent in theory.

According to these charts, if your foot is 260mm long, then you are a UK size 8.5-9, 7.5, 8, or 6-6.5.

If you want to be European you are 43-43.5, 42 or 39-40.

260mm might be the actual length of my foot, or I might have changed the example measurement in order to protect my personal data.

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How do you measure the length of your foot anyway does that measurement include toes and if so which.
How do you measure the length of your foot anyway does that measurement include toes and if so which.
The advice there at least is fairly consistent - heel to end of longest toe, although some places say with socks and some say without.
:hmm: Why wouldn't you include your toes in measuring the length of your foot?
This is a reasonable question, it was more an enquiry about which toe, and presumably its not as the crow flies but as if your big toe was in the middle directly in line with your heel. Not that i can imagine ever needing to measure my feet particularly, unlike some people, i'm much too busy for that obvs.
This is a reasonable question, it was more an enquiry about which toe, and presumably its not as the crow flies but as if your big toe was in the middle directly in line with your heel. Not that i can imagine ever needing to measure my feet particularly, unlike some people, i'm much too busy for that obvs.
Hmm. Ok. Although if I'm ever required to ascertain the length of something I assume it's the distance between the two furthest points of that thing unless advised otherwise.
This is a reasonable question, it was more an enquiry about which toe, and presumably its not as the crow flies but as if your big toe was in the middle directly in line with your heel. Not that i can imagine ever needing to measure my feet particularly, unlike some people, i'm much too busy for that obvs.
And how would you determine what "directly in line with your heel" means? Feel free to draw a diagram.
And how would you determine what "directly in line with your heel" means? Feel free to draw a diagram.

Directly in line with heel is a red herring.
Just improvise something like the actual foot measuring machine.
Block of wood at the back of your heal.
Block of wood touching your toes.
Make sure they're parallel.
Measure gap between them.
Repeat for width using sides of your foot.

Complex stuff this.

I agree though, their should be an international standard shoe sizing system.
Directly in line with heel is a red herring.
Just improvise something like the actual foot measuring machine.
Block of wood at the back of your heal.
Block of wood touching your toes.
Make sure they're parallel.
Measure gap between them.
Repeat for width using sides of your foot.

Complex stuff this.
What about foot rotation?
Maybe it is the same thing as with women’s clothes sizes - vanity sizing (women feel happier if the jeans that fit say a small size number on them so if you want to sell more clothes to silly people label the size 14s as size 10 etc), which is the main reason women’s clothes sizes have no real meaning.
Maybe it’s like that, because some shops cater for the kind of men who want to be flattered into thinking they require a large shoe size.
What about foot rotation?

A shoe designed with sufficient average height for a given size and material stretching tollerances should allow for natural foot rotation. Thus it's not something requiring a specific measure...

pinkmonkey is the expert on this I reckon. She designs shoes IIRC.
Maybe it’s like that, because some shops cater for the kind of men who want to be flattered into thinking they require a large shoe size.
bimble I don't think it works like that, the only thing that follows from large feet is large shoes!
Their is no defining mrasuremnt for chaps clothes often marked medium, large and extra large. I could be any one of the three dependent on manufacturer.
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