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Ship porn

Between 1974/77. We were featured on the Granada News one time. I think people thought three weirdos (well two weirdos and me) :) living in a caravan on the moors building a boat to sail to Africa was local newsworthy :D
Could you actually cross oceans in that thing? Looks like a bonkers plan to me, no offence.

Endurance trapped in ice. Frank Hurley in the arse end of nowhere, trapped, thinking 'ooh, this will make a nice shot'.

A totally crap expedition in many ways, but marked by that most heroic desire to get the fuck out of a bad situation.

First-rate ships of the line were the biggest ships in the world at the time, but every time I've visited the Victory I'm struck by how small she is - only 200 feet or so, not including the bowsprit. And yet, nearly 900 men lived on board, and if necessary she could stay at sea for months at a stretch: the range of sailing warships was limited mainly by how long drinking water supplies lasted, although they did try to ensure a regular supply of fresh meat and vegetables when possible, to keep scurvy at bay.
Agreed. In the specific case of Lincoln Castle, though, it seems to me best to face the fact that she's gone, and it'd be better to spend money on the plenty of historic ships that need it than to try and build - in effect - a replica.
If ever I become a billionaire I'm going to rebuild PS Lincoln Castle to cruise around Europe. I loved her very much. It still angers me when I go to Grimsby and she's not there. She, and the Tattershall, are big in my personal history.

Anyone know what's happening to the Tiger? Is she safe?
We weren't really planning crossing oceans but I was always worried about rounding the Bay of Biscay because it was more following coastline. We were young and confident back then :)

The Bay of Biscay is notoriusly horrible water. Probably good you didn't try and cross it!!
She was back up north for a major refit early last year. I reckon we should have refused to give her back and set her up here, in her rightful place. Be a nice attraction, a floating restaurant somewhere around Corporation Pier. :cool:
She's a very fine place to while away a few hours with Bahnhof Strasse and 5t3IIa on sunny summer afternoons when we really should be working, so I think we'll keep her.

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Cable ships

This one recovered Air France AF447 wreckage:

This one too - It puts-in to Aberdeen/Peterhead regularly


A few years back, with this:



Which was the lucky one - everybody survived and I heard the rumour that Bond actually put that helicopter back in the air!

A few months later it was a tragic recovery:
We spent some time on the Nero (owned at the time by a friends relly)


Built about 10 years ago in the style of the J.P Morgans Corsair yachts she is really quite stunning.

That is beautiful. If you have ever dreamed around Nice, Monaco etc. there are some monstrosities in private yacht. will not darken this thread with them. Not this one though
Go down the yacht club and describe it as a ship. You will be shunned!

Nice boat though.

A moot point:

Get in touch with your inner pirate => ship
Bermuda rig => Boat
Can carry a boat => Ship
Under 500 Ton => Boat
Over 40' => Ship
Less than 3 masts => Boat
Ocean going => Ship
Pleasure craft => Boat
You can sleep in it in comfort at sea => Ship
Only 1 deck => Boat

Nobody takes offence if you call their boat a ship.
A moot point:

Get in touch with your inner pirate => ship
Bermuda rig => Boat
Can carry a boat => Ship
Under 500 Ton => Boat
Over 40' => Ship
Less than 3 masts => Boat
Ocean going => Ship
Pleasure craft => Boat
You can sleep in it in comfort at sea => Ship
Only 1 deck => Boat

Nobody takes offence if you call their boat a ship.

They might not take offence, but the real definition is Ship = big bad ass vessel and Boat = something you wouldnt want to captain in a force eight gale. My definition anyway :)
We spent some time on the Nero (owned at the time by a friends relly)


Built about 10 years ago in the style of the J.P Morgans Corsair yachts she is really quite stunning.
That's fabulous. I remember seeing photos of you on there and feeling very envious :cool:
A moot point:

Get in touch with your inner pirate => ship
Bermuda rig => Boat
Can carry a boat => Ship
Under 500 Ton => Boat
Over 40' => Ship
Less than 3 masts => Boat
Ocean going => Ship
Pleasure craft => Boat
You can sleep in it in comfort at sea => Ship
Only 1 deck => Boat

Nobody takes offence if you call their boat a ship.
You forgot one: Goes underwater => Boat.

And submariners would certainly look down their stubby little noses at you if you called their boat a ship.
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