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Shadow of Mordor

But that's more or less all it has

Apart from that entirely new way of telling player stories and revolutionising the way that emergent plotlines can be used in games.

Every single review focuses on the Nemesis system and how great it is and how it makes each different player have a different experience. No 2 games are the same, set tactics don't work and everything shifts and evolves in a genuinely intelligent way depending on the player's actions.

Or... it just has orcs in it.
Apart from that entirely new way of telling player stories and revolutionising the way that emergent plotlines can be used in games.

Every single review focuses on the Nemesis system and how great it is and how it makes each different player have a different experience. No 2 games are the same, set tactics don't work and everything shifts and evolves in a genuinely intelligent way depending on the player's actions.

Or... it just has orcs in it.
I'm sure the Nemesis system is great, but it's just a way of randomising the enemy's weakpoints and having a notion of persistence.

It's not a bad idea by any means, but if that's the game's defining feature I stand by my comments. I'm sure the gameplay is soudn, it should be given what it's based on. But it's still derivative.

Again, if it was priced accordingly. I'm tired of hearing "this game cost a hundred squillion groats and we can't sell it cheaper because we had to pay for Bono to do the soundtrack and George Clooney to do the voice acting"
Not recently. The Batman series was the last hurrah of decent game design I think. But Arkham Origins did a good job of shitting all over that. It's Christmas Eve in Gotham and there's NOONE THERE! PS, we managed to fuck up your awesome combat system - sorreee!

Apart from some bent cops waiting to be punched in the face.

I had high hopes for Injustice and the reboot of Mortal Kombat, but...le sigh.

Other than that the only thing worth a drop of piss was the Fallout games on 360. Saints Row 3 was fun, compared to the miserable controversy opera that was GTA5; a masterclass of hype and swearing.

Alien Isolation is out next week. Apparently it's scary, but again £50 for a game that once it's over, that's it.

Fair enough. I tried one of the Batman games, probably City and it was alright but I didn't really get it, looked like the typical mini map with side quests and stuff so I gave up on it. People keep saying it's good so maybe I'll try it again sometime.

Fallout 3 and New Vegas were good, liked those. GTA5 was alright for a GTA game, not my cup of tea really. I didn't try the others.

What kind of thing do you want? There must be something out there. :D
Fair enough. I tried one of the Batman games, probably City and it was alright but I didn't really get it, looked like the typical mini map with side quests and stuff so I gave up on it. People keep saying it's good so maybe I'll try it again sometime.

Fallout 3 and New Vegas were good, liked those. GTA5 was alright for a GTA game, not my cup of tea really. I didn't try the others.

What kind of thing do you want? There must be something out there. :D
I wanted Streetfighter, when they rebooted it, but they decided to keep with a control system that is functionally unplayable on a console controller. Plus you can't really play those games online.

Mortal Kombat was a fucking joke. Unbalanced, utterly unplayable online, and Injustice made the baby jesus cry. How do you take the license for DC's superheroes and create a game that consists of spamming the same move repeatedly and call that fun?

What I would want? A GTA game where you are a superhero, or a superhero FPS game. There's not enough superhero games. Whatever happened to Freedom Force?
What I would want? A GTA game where you are a superhero, or a superhero FPS game.

... it's still derivative.


I really don't mean any disrespect by pointing this out, but as I said on the Destiny thread, the trouble now is that everything is derivative, if that's how you want to look at it. The fact that you reference a game from 12 years ago says it all.
I'm sure the Nemesis system is great, but it's just a way of randomising the enemy's weakpoints and having a notion of persistence.

I've not played it but all the reviews talk about how it draws you in and makes the battles have a genuine emotional involvement. Which sounds great. Lots of "I have never wanted to kill anybody in a videogame as much as I wanted to kill him". Yes the fighting is batman and the sneaking is Assassin's Creed but this has something that is totally new and that hasn't been done before. In a world of AAA games which are just the same game with a new skin that's got to be good!
You are in a room with 3 orks
Hit ork with sword
An ork in now stunned
Kill ork
You do a most impressive sword move decapitating the ork and spraying the room with blood
You are in a room with 2 orks

Hit ork with sword
As you try to hit the ork another ork tries to hit you
Hit other ork with counter
You spin around and knock the other ork over.
Teabag ork
I do not understand "teabag"
Kill Gandalf...

Oh shit!
I liked CoH, even though i couldn't run the ultra graphics upgrade.

If i thought i could run this, and i can't, i might support it.
The 360/PS3 is missing one of the main features (the Nemesis system?) according to this week's Giant Bomb podcast. They say it's what makes the game great, and last-gen doesn't have it. :(
Oh no. Want a ps4. Can't afford one. :( < first world problems thread that way >
I was killed by a lowly archer last night - who is now a Captain and who mocked me. He's off having been promoted to an unrevealed bit of the map so I have to fight my way there to track him down and exact my revenge...
Just started this, fuck it looks beautiful! The combat feels really fluid!

I can't wait until Thursday now, five day weekend coming here and I know what I;m going to be doing! :D :D :D
Well i have played it a bit more..

It is broken in parts but I can overlook that. You can engineer some very satisfying moments. I aggravated an entire stronghold of orcs whilst trying to take out a captain - and luckily spotted a fuel container which I shot and blew them all up leaving a few smouldering orcs and a the captain to finish off..

I have also been horribly killed more than once which restructures the mordor power politics. Which is awesome. One stupid Orc called 'Bolg' got a lucky hit in which killed me - resulting in his promotion and meteoric rise through the ranks due to the power vacuum I had by having spent the last hour or so merrily slaughtering any potential opposition..

I am not sure but I think Bolg was as surprised as me when he struck the killing blow.

Generally the mix of sneakiness and then crazy batman style brawls is very satisfying.

It still doesn't have the crunch and draw that playing Arkham City and the Jokers Funhouse over and over again on hard had. But that was one of my top gaming moments ever anyway..

The one thing that confuses me is that Mordor looks a bit to grassy and not horrible enough (at times) I think its because Sauron has only just taken over...

I will be very disappointed if there is no mount doom / lava level
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I keep bringing up my bow because I tap right mouse too early! Are you playing with mouse and keyboard bouncer?
I'm playing it, and can confirm that nothing has changed since Prince of Persia: the sands of time.
I've just uninstalled this, was fun for about an hour, then the same thing again and again, looks great, feels great playing and killing but there is no point to it. There is no goal. It's like GTA but doing the same thing again and again.
I keep bringing up my bow because I tap right mouse too early! Are you playing with mouse and keyboard bouncer?

USB Xbox controller..

This games about killing Orcs in mordor FFS.. it's not Citizen kane!

That brand deal looks like a marketing company being heavy handed... which is totally unsurprising. If that's true then it looks like RPS comprehensively broke the agreement - which was the only review I read of it.
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I've just uninstalled this, was fun for about an hour, then the same thing again and again, looks great, feels great playing and killing but there is no point to it. There is no goal. It's like GTA but doing the same thing again and again.

It's a hell of a game to get into, that must be said... Once the nemesis system comes into play more it does get interesting though. Did you follow any of the main quests? It feels like you're just left to your own devices, but the quests provide guidance, core abilities etc. I'd also recommend using a controller over keyboard+mouse.
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I think i'll give it another go in the future. Just felt really lost, I killed all the captains on my last play but didn't feel rewarded, I think I opened too many towers and not having anywhere to move forward to made me feel like nothing was happening.
I'm liking this game. Its essentially Arkam : LotR edition but they have done a nice job on the reskin.

Combat is increasingly chaos and you need to start getting those combos in. Killing orcs in loads of different ways is entertaining.
It's fun and all, but I have to agree that there's zero depth to it. I'm not at all saying it's a bad game (aside from a bit buggy in spots), but there's nothing revolutionary or ground breaking about it. It's almost as much fun in open world mode as Just Cause 2. Almost. Though admittedly the combat is better, but it lacks crashing a jetliner into the person who annoyed you most. Come to think of it, JC2 with a nemesis system would be epic. The greatest turn-your-mind-off-and-slaughter-them-by-the-hundreds-nay-thousands stressbuster game ever.
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