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Question Selecting a phone

Her contract is fine, so I just want to get a SIM-free phone.
Am I missing something? If she's happy with her contract then why not just go to her provider to see what handsets they're offering cheap/free on an 18/24 month renewal?
Am I missing something? If she's happy with her contract then why not just go to her provider to see what handsets they're offering cheap/free on an 18/24 month renewal?
It's a SIM-only contract. It's like £4 a month or something for as much data and calls as she ever uses, but it doesn't come with a handset.
Thanks, I see.

Refer me please.
It's with Three. I just checked the bank statements, though -- it's actually £6.90 a month. But from the Three website, the same contract now seems to £8 per month. That's for 500MB and 200 minutes per month, and she's never once exceeded that level.
OK, I am buying a new phone for the kabbess to replace her, what, 2010-ish original Samsung Galaxy Ace.

She is somewhat of a technophobe but after about 3 years of owning a smartphone finally cottoned onto the fact that it was actually useful to be able to email and internet on the move and actually started using the thing. She then used the crap out of it and it's time for an update. Her contract is fine, so I just want to get a SIM-free phone.

Her stated priorities are:
1. battery life
2. speed of use
3. camera quality
4. internal memory (obviously, I can always get an SD card for this)

She doesn't care what it looks like and doesn't want it to be too big. She never watches videos, plays games or listens to music on her phone (although who knows? In three years time she may suddenly find these benefits).

Taking advantage of Black Friday deals, I have shortened the list to the following between £100 and £200, which we believe is an appropriate budget:
  • Samsung Galaxy S4 mini (£150)
  • Samsung Galaxy A3 (£200)
  • Sony Xperia M4 (£150)
  • Microsoft Lumia 640 (£120)
  • Reconditioned iPhone 4s (£100)
I'm pretty neutral between these on price, frankly. I just want the one that will best meet her requirements.

I think I've discounted the bottom two, but I have no idea at all whether a Galaxy S4 or A3 is better, and can't get a feel between performance difference with either of these and the Xperia M4. I've read the reviews but I don't get the impression that they are applying particularly consistent criteria.

Is there anybody with rather more experience with these things and may be able to offer some insight?

(Edited to change from S4 to S4 Mini, which is apparently different).

She sounds like me, I've just spent some time looking into which phone I'd like from my o/h

Decided on this, 150ish quid

Buy Motorola Moto G (3rd generation) Smartphone, Android, 5", 4G LTE, SIM Free, 8GB | John Lewis

4G, dead robust (a major plus for me), really good reviews everywhere and my mate's 12 year old thinks it's "cool"
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The Moto G seems popular with many at the price range. I was going to get it for my Gf but luckily her phone started working again.

From my reading it's worth getting the 2gb version, which is more expensive, but still in kabbes price range.

If the eBay route was an option you could also get a full sized S4.
editor recommended an android phone with a stupidly long battery life recently. I forget the name.

I thought it was the sony z3 compact. The current z5 compact is superb. I've just used mine sparingly for 2 1/2 days and I'm at 22%

If you're after battery life, seek out a Sony z3 Compact. The battery life is at least double of the S4 (I have both phones). Great camera. Brilliant phone.

One arrived to day from eBay -- £267 delivered, unlocked and new in box. I'm happy enough with that -- don't tell the kabbess about that £67 and we'll all be good. I think she'll be well chuffed with it, once 6 months has gone by and she's learnt to cope with the change. Delayed gratitude, I think it's fair to say.
If you're after battery life, seek out a Sony z3 Compact. The battery life is at least double of the S4 (I have both phones). Great camera. Brilliant phone.
Two months on and this phone is fabulous. The kabbess -- a committed technophobe -- loves it. I have a work iPhone that was the cutting edge two years ago (the 4s maybe?) and I am massively jealous. I can't see any way it beats the z3 compact.
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