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Scottish Labour, bast*rds the lot of them


a complex mass of conflicting ideas
This lady HAS been evicted in Glasgow, just a couple of days after Labour MPs didn't turn up to vote on the abolishing the Bedroom Tax


These are the bastards that could have helped not only this woman but all Scots who are being robbed by central Govt.(and indeed all the people of the UK)


I genuinely feel sick that people are being treated this way by a bunch of wankers with less morals than an alley cat :( :mad:
Kezia Dugdale tweeted that it wasn't a vote against free school meals, it was a vote against independence which was included in the motion. Meanwhile, I still have to pay £22 per week if I want my children to have school dinners, which is one seventh of what I earn in a week, because I am just over the threshold for free school dinners. Thanks, Labour.
"Labour, which voted against the motion, sought an amendment which stated that progress in tackling child poverty had stalled in Scotland under the current administration".

Labour are full of SHITE!! I am disgusted at the way they have screwed over the people of Scotland, truly disgusted. As someone on Facebook wrote earlier from Keir Hardie to Laurel and Hardy :( If Labour are so fecking great at sorting out deprivation why are there still vast numbers of underfed kids in Glasgow?? A Labour run city for how fecking long?
Labour are full of SHITE!! I am disgusted at the way they have screwed over the people of Scotland, truly disgusted. As someone on Facebook wrote earlier from Keir Hardie to Laurel and Hardy :( If Labour are so fecking great at sorting out deprivation why are there still vast numbers of underfed kids in Glasgow?? A Labour run city for how fecking long?

Bunch of fucking gangsters up here though aren't they. Take this story for example


Now what possible reason could a councillor have for writing a letter of support for scum like that? Apart from 'business interests' :rolleyes:
At least the judge in that case had sense but FFS, that councillor need some constituents to go round and harass him!

He's councillor for a ward which includes some pretty notorious recent turf wars. Who's going to go and harass him when he clearly has 'friends'?
S4M-08707 in Holyrood. It was on BBC Radio Scotland today, topic of a phone in. Big story here.


"Labour, which voted against the motion, sought an amendment which stated that progress in tackling child poverty had stalled in Scotland under the current administration".

An amendment by Johann Lamont had praised the Labour party and devolution. It also claimed "child poverty has stalled in Scotland under the current administration".
It also emerged that in 2010, just before the UK General election, the last Labour Governmentsupported universal free school meals when then Education Secretary, Ed Balls, handed over £1.6m in funding to Labour controlled Islington council.
Alistair Darling is doing the debate, right?

Should be fun.
Kezia Dugdale tweeted that it wasn't a vote against free school meals, it was a vote against independence which was included in the motion.

How can I check the veracity of that? I wouldn't put it past the SNP to play politics like that.
How can I check the veracity of that? I wouldn't put it past the SNP to play politics like that.

They're both playing politics with it. Meanwhile kids whose parents can't afford it are still not getting a hot nutritionally balanced meal at school. I'm fucking sick of the lot of them.
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You've three children, if memory serves. That means that each meal costs ~£1.50. Are they really getting a good meal for £1.50? Or is it just reheated turkey fat in breadcrumbs?
£1.80 here, and they don't often have anything like that. It's usually things like pasta with meatballs or chicken curry with rice or breaded fish with potatoes and vegetables.
Thanks. I'm reluctantly with Labour on this one. As a Unionist party they can't vote in favour of independence. I hope this backfires on the SNP: school meals has nothing to do with independence.
How can I check the veracity of that? I wouldn't put it past the SNP to play politics like that.

Verify what, though? You can verify the wording of the motion by checking the motion number I gave in my post (that's if you don't believe the BBC, who also said the wording included a reference to independence, in the link I gave). Or do you mean verify the reason Labour gave? There's no way to verify that.

The SNP will put references to independence in everything they do. It is their case that only with independence will a Scottish government have the necessary powers to fully do all it wants to. So you can expect a lot of that, especially this year. Did they know Labour would therefore be disinclined to vote in favour? Of course, but they also know that they (the SNP) have a majority, and so don't need Labour's votes. Is that playing politics? Of course it is. That's what politicians do. They're self-absorbed. We don't care about their semantics, we just want the best for our kids.

However, Labour is allowing itself to be out-manoeuvred at every turn. It knew its amendment would fail (it doesn't have a majority). We know it is a Unionist party, so if it wanted a better press it could say "we reject the SNP's case about independence, but in order to support the school meal scheme, we will vote for this motion". As it is, it was backed into a corner, got some bad coverage, and looked stupid. Again.
However, Labour is allowing itself to be out-manoeuvred at every turn. It knew its amendment would fail (it doesn't have a majority). We know it is a Unionist party, so if it wanted a better press it could say "we reject the SNP's case about independence, but in order to support the school meal scheme, we will vote for this motion". As it is, it was backed into a corner, got some bad coverage, and looked stupid. Again.

Very true.
Unscientific survey alert

During the course of yesterday morning and over lunch, I asked some friends, colleagues and relations of mine who the leader of the Labour Party in Scotland was. The sample size is extremely small.

I spoke to 12 people (5 men, 7 women, all of voting age). 2 replied Don’t Know. Of the remaining 10, not one correctly identified Johann Lamont. Here are their replies:

3 said Alistair Darling

2 said Jack McConnell

2 said Douglas Alexander

1 said Ian Lang (charitably, may have meant Iain Gray).

1 said Alasdair Gray (probably meant Iain Gray).

1 said Margaret Curran

None of these are actually MSPs (except Iain Gray, who wasn't even correctly named), one is a Tory Peer, and one is a novelist.
Your unscientific research backs a poll I saw a few weeks ago, can't remember where. Hardly anyone knows Johann a) exists and b) is leader of Labour in Scotland.
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