Latest twist on Lambeth social/affordable housing policy: planning have just refused permission for a major refurbishment and redevelopment at Toplin House (former Victorian fire-station and Refugee Council/Post Office building in Ferndale Road). This looked to be quite a good scheme design-wise, opening up the frontage on Ferndale Road for shops/offices facing Bon Marché and demolishing the rear extension on the corner of Stockwell Avenue/Bellefields Road.
Decision (13/00096/FUL) was at officer delegated level - so this may be part of a ping-pong negotiation à la Barratts.
Reason No1 for refusal: The proposed residential flat building appears capable of accommodating additional units, where the size of the proposed units exceed the minimum floor space standards set out in the Councils SPD on Housing Development and resorts in a layout that therefore prohibits the provision of affordable housing. No adequate justification has been provided to demonstrate why additional units can not be achieved at the site, and therefore the proposal is contrary to Policy S2 of the Core Strategy 2011 whereby it fails to address the Boroughs Housing needs.
In plain English this means that the developer has proposed to build flats which are TOO LARGE - thereby not cramming enough units in to trigger the requirement to provide affordable housing.
I know some may disagree - but I think it is a pity that we are losing agreed social housing on the Barratts scheme - where it was written into the agreement. Now we may be losing a quality development on a key commercial site in central Brixton because the council choose to insist on treating MINIMUM FLOOR AREA as a MAXIMUM in the residential back-addition to catch the affordable housing requirement.
What do people make of that - and what will the planning inspector say if there is an appeal?