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'Safe Standing' campaign update- It's about time!

yep. i fell over them when we scored against leicester and landed on a guy two rows in front :(
I always stand at all the CCFC away games, and would suggest that the redundant seats provide more of an 'elf'n'safety hazard than anything else.

Yep, I always get injured by the seats at away games. Being tall, they shred my shins to pieces. If I get pushed from behind when celebrating there's almost no way to stop myself falling into the row in front. :mad:

I fucking hate sitting at football.
Signed. Cheers for the link.

Probably better to try to get involved than to just moan or proudly state you stand anyway at all away games (which about 90% of all football fans do anyway).
Good work. I've just emailed loads of people & forgot to put the link in there! :farcepalm:
By the way, I read somewhere (probably on the FSF website) that this particular issue was being kept out of the way as they thought it would scupper the World Cup bid. Now that's out of the way it's really time to push it forward.
not England, but the SPL has approved plans to allow clubs to pilot safe standing areas in football grounds.
Great news. What with this, and the planned pilots for video technology, maybe the football authorities are finally getting out of the dark ages
Fucking Premier League shitheads:
The Football Supporters' Federation (FSF) is to launch an online petition calling for the return of standing areas in the top two divisions.

But Premier League spokesman Dan Johnson said: "Our view is that the benefits of all-seater stadia far outweigh the return of standing areas."
Get back in your seats, clap politely and soak up the corporate entertainment - and be sure to buy all the branded clobber on your way out.

Good stuff. There are certain games when everyone stands anyway, and the atmosphere is always much better.
Sadly the man representing the families seeking justice for Hillsborough, who lost two daughters himself is against standing returning. Explaining to him the difference between terracing and pens to safe standing is not a conversation I want to have. He will strongly against it.

I think most clubs are for it as it increases capacity, and therefore revenue at a fraction of the cost of a stadium expansion. The North Lower at Charlton where I sit is a former terrace with seats bolted on it, the perfect graduate for standing.
The Germans seem to manage without any disasters (or at least not any I'm aware of) with gates much bigger than ours.

Why cant we make it work?

Petition signed!
Sadly the man representing the families seeking justice for Hillsborough, who lost two daughters himself is against standing returning. Explaining to him the difference between terracing and pens to safe standing is not a conversation I want to have. He will strongly against it.

I think most clubs are for it as it increases capacity, and therefore revenue at a fraction of the cost of a stadium expansion. The North Lower at Charlton where I sit is a former terrace with seats bolted on it, the perfect graduate for standing.

Trevor Hicks? I'd have that conversation, it'd be an interesting view to hear and an understandable one. Be good if the FSA/FSF could fix up a meeting between him and the German fan groups and share their experiences of the new standing set up.
iRobot: Perhaps the issue isn't the stadia but some of the fans within them? Every Bundesliga game i've been too have been an amazing expereince with opposition fans sharing beers and having a laugh together - some of that is historic and particualr quirk of German football. Unlike some Spanish and Italian games where there's a noticeable "us vs them" mentality, akin to many of the English games I've been to.

But then German football is also more family oriented anyway with low gate prices that actively encoruages people to bring families. Everyone is respectful that there are families there, there's no aggro, at least none i've seen in the 20+ league games i've been to. The more 'vocal' element of the support tend to be seperated from the family areas /stands but it doesn't diminsh the specatcle no matter where you are in the ground.

With the technology now available I can't see how a safe standing area can't be introduced, at least as a trial at some grounds throughout the divisions to see what works. Of course it also needs decent policing and stewards to work which is an area that needs huge improvement.
Trevor Hicks? I'd have that conversation, it'd be an interesting view to hear and an understandable one. Be good if the FSA/FSF could fix up a meeting between him and the German fan groups and share their experiences of the new standing set up.
That's his name, apologies for forgetting it. On the 20th anniversary memorial service he stated that he never wanted to see it at the top level again. I would like to be in attendance during the conversation but wouldn't try and convince him.
Hugh Robertson - the tory sports minister - was on the radio this morning being interviewed about the Scottish pilot. He laughably claimed that "there's no demand for the return of standing areas at football in England"

Where's the WTF smiley when you need it?
Hugh Robertson - the tory sports minister - was on the radio this morning being interviewed about the Scottish pilot. He laughably claimed that "there's no demand for the return of standing areas at football in England"

Where's the WTF smiley when you need it?

Is the closest we've got.
Hugh Robertson - the tory sports minister - was on the radio this morning being interviewed about the Scottish pilot. He laughably claimed that "there's no demand for the return of standing areas at football in England"

Where's the WTF smiley when you need it?
What the fuck does this twat know about football. Clearly nothing. Stick to cricket you clueless Tory shithead.
Crikey - I wrote to my MP on Monday (as above) and I've just received a posted response.

In the past and having previously written to Tessa Jowell and Harriet Harman (on different topics) and waited many many weeks for a response, I'm very impressed!

In a nutshell, 'states that she intends to be in Parliament on the 20th January for the reading of the bill, but not sure if it will be debated as there are 65 debates taking place that day and this is number 59. She does have sympathy for the bill as she is a season ticket holder at Spurs and gets frustrated when people stand in a sitting area and would welcome an area where people can stand.

That the issue is on the government agenda and Hugh Robertson was present during the first reading (though like Brixton Hatter and Ed mention above) he does not think there is enough support to justify a change right now.

She says she'll follow the trials in Scotland to see if any lessons can be applied here.'
That the issue is on the government agenda and Hugh Robertson was present during the first reading (though like Brixton Hatter and Ed mention above) he does not think there is enough support to justify a change right now.
Robertson was claiming that the Football Supporters Federation - which has been campaigning hard on this for a few years now - only represents a tiny fraction of fans. Although I'm hopeful, it's hard to believe there'll be any change in the short term when the politicians in charge are so divorced from reality.
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