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Rubbish tourist attractions: the ‘Narrowest Street In The World’ in Reutlingen, Germany

The Hundertwasser House in Vienna is one of the ugliest things I’ve ever seen. It kind of looks cute in photos but close up it looks cheap and ugly. Also, Hundertwasser was a hippie twat.

For Rip-Off value, I'll nominate the Land's End "attraction" ...

The only item of interest to me (excluding the fact that is physically end of the land and there is a lighthouse to look at) was an old lifeboat, and that's gone away ...
This failed to impress - has anyone else been? And what other famous attractions have failed to impress you?



A disappointing trip to Spreuerhofstrasse, the ‘Narrowest Street In The World’ in Reutlingen, Bavaria, Germany
He Urdu you bully lily in Pot Ict

That should have read “What about Squeezy Belly Alley in Port Isaac?
where i used to work there was something in one of the archive boxes, mr jones's pencil. so i went and looked at it one day, and it was a pencil with a bit of string and a tag. the tag said 'this pencil belonged to mr jones the supervisor and he used it every day of his working life from 1852 to 1899' or similar. only i didn't believe it because it was still six inches long.
47 years, and he managed to get away with doing pretty much fuck all. No wonder they want to celebrate his memory. A true hero of labour.
For Rip-Off value, I'll nominate the Land's End "attraction" ...

The only item of interest to me (excluding the fact that is physically end of the land and there is a lighthouse to look at) was an old lifeboat, and that's gone away ...

It's also not actually at Land's End.
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