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Rubbish tourist attractions: the ‘Narrowest Street In The World’ in Reutlingen, Germany


This failed to impress - has anyone else been? And what other famous attractions have failed to impress you?



A disappointing trip to Spreuerhofstrasse, the ‘Narrowest Street In The World’ in Reutlingen, Bavaria, Germany
Prague's National Museum had lots of inexpertly stuffed animals and drawer after drawer of trilobite fossils, and not much else.
Assorted contrived roadside attractions in the US (world's tallest thermometer, world's largest peach, world's largest sperm whale replica, world's largest frying pan, world's largest beetle, world's largest peanut, etc). See also Australia's big things.
Not only did Lenin's office in the Marx Memorial Library have a photocopier in it when I visited, but I have also just discovered that the space it occupies was only walled off years after Lenin left London
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