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Royal Mail sell off

Nothing concealed here though, just blatantly Tories putting taxpayer's money into the pockets of their rich mates. The British voting public can clearly see this & hopefully will vote accordingly at next GE. We are on our way folks. :cool:
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It is not altogether clear wtf Labour is?
That is why the Tories could still be re-elected.
Never underestimate the electorate's Short term memory when it comes to policy.
Labour needs to toughen the fuck up and start actually creating some opposition to the Tories' ludicrous policies and fire sales.......
Yeah, great. Another five years of the same shit from a different set of arseholes. Hoo-fucking-ray. :facepalm:
Well yes, this is the Labour as least worst case scenario, what else do you suggest, who else do you vote for? As I have pointed out in previous threads, at next GE, urban will be rooting for a Labour outright victory as least worse option.
Well yes, this is the Labour as least worst case scenario, what else do you suggest, who else do you vote for? As I have pointed out in previous threads, at next GE, urban will be rooting for a Labour outright victory as least worse option.

So we shouldn't aspire to something different, because Labour are, in your estimation, "the least worst option"?
How do the minor differences in delivery of neoliberal policies and values under Labour as opposed to the Tories make them "least worst"? Because they give us a mug of piss to wash down the shit sandwich they feed us?
So we shouldn't aspire to something different, because Labour are, in your estimation, "the least worst option"?
How do the minor differences in delivery of neoliberal policies and values under Labour as opposed to the Tories make them "least worst"? Because they give us a mug of piss to wash down the shit sandwich they feed us?
Nothing wrong with aspiring to something different but in the meantime we have a GE next year & of the possible scenarios after that a Labour overall majority would be least worst option in forming a basis for some sort of change to address the imbalance of wealth, to disagree with that is to say there is no hope at all. I would say the basis of everything that is wrong in this country comes from the imbalance of wealth & the definite Tory model is to increase that imbalance by handing taxpayers cash to their wealthy friends on an ongoing basis. I would agree that only a radical government would have the resolve to change that & the basis of that change is more likely to come from a Labour government than a Tory one I would have thought? If I am wrong then presumably you have the 'no hope' scenario unless(perhaps)the middle classes are prepared to leave their heavily mortgaged homes & take to the streets & burn things?
Hand on heart, can anyone honestly see why the people of Scotland should vote to stay with this shower of 'SHITE'.
Unmasked: The city institutions given privileged status in the controversial Royal Mail flotation

....By comparing this information to a graphic contained in the National Audit Office report showing changes of shareholdings in the Royal Mail’s 21 largest investors, a picture of the priority investors emerges.

Four of the largest ‘priority investors’ appear to be sovereign wealth funds belonging to Singapore and Kuwait together with US based Capital Group and Lansdowne, a UK hedge fund.

Lansdowne is known for its close links to the Conservative Party. Its co-founder, Sir Paul Ruddock, retired from the firm but still a substantial beneficiary, has donated over £700,000 to the Conservatives according to Electoral Commission data. Peter Davies, co-head of development strategy at Lansdowne was best man at George Osborne’s wedding. Lansdowne was a short seller of Northern Rock prior to its collapse.

Capital Group, based in California and one of the world’s largest investment managers, had a holding of 20,244,100 shares at the close of trading on October 15. Just one week later it had only 3,060,000 which would have yielded a potential profit of tens of millions in the space of seven days.

A likely priority investor is Gazelle with an allocation of 16m shares initially worth £52.8. Gazelle has no identifying information on Royal Mail’s shareholder register – not even a postal address. The Bureau approached an investment adviser with links to a hedge fund called Gazelle but he denied owning shares in Royal Mail.

Two other apparent priority investors that sold a tranche of their holdings at a swift profit appear to include Och-Ziff,the US alternative asset manager who declined to comment, and UK pension firm, Standard Life.
Telegraph article here.

Abu Dhabi Investment Authority, billionaire investor George Soros and activist hedge fund Third Point were among the 16 investors given preferential treament in the controversial Royal Mail privatisation.

The Government on Wednesday released details of these preferred investment firms, who saw the shares they had bought rise 38pc on the first day of trading, while thousands of small private investors missed out after the Government imposed a cap of £10,000 on them.

"The reason this matters is because the sale was grossly undervalued - shares sold for £1.7bn at privatisation are now worth £2.7bn. And who cashed in? Twelve of the 16 so-called long-term investors made a killing worth hundreds of millions of pounds within weeks," Mr Milliband said.

It was a fix. We always knew it, but this is the proof.

So, how long before there's a demand for this to be referred for a criminal investigation?
Criminal stupidity.

YEP, It would be ironic if the first Minister in years to be done for malfeasance was Vince "I told you so" Cable. (his scatter gun attack on the bankers had no real vision of what was happening, just wasn't the it's all gravy the rest of them were putting out at the time.)
It is not altogether clear wtf Labour is?
That is why the Tories could still be re-elected.
Never underestimate the electorate's Short term memory when it comes to policy.
Labour needs to toughen the fuck up and start actually creating some opposition to the Tories' ludicrous policies and fire sales.......

Until they come out against privatisation, including the privatisations which happened under the previous labour government, they're stuck in limbo IMO. Nobody wants to vote for the tory party lite.

And if ever there was an open goal. The post office, the NHS, probation services, schools, and now child protection services. You don't need to be a political mastermind to expose this stuff for the daylight robbery it is.
It's not like the record of the last labour government is winning them any support at present. They need to make a clean break and call Blair and Brown out on the many shit things they did.
And if ever there was an open goal. The post office, the NHS, probation services, schools, and now child protection services. You don't need to be a political mastermind to expose this stuff for the daylight robbery it is.
But the Labour Party won't do that because they're corporate puppets, just like the other vermin.
But the Labour Party won't do that because they're corporate puppets, just like the other vermin.

Even so, they could at least lie about it for the next year to get themselves back in. No corporate puppeteer needs a party that's not in power.

It's not like manifesto pledges mean anything in this country. What was Cameron's headline pledge last time out? No reorganisation of the NHS?
It's not like the record of the last labour government is winning them any support at present. They need to make a clean break and call Blair and Brown out on the many shit things they did.
They can't do that because most of those at the top were part of the New Labour project.
On our way to what though? It is not altogether clear that Labour would renationalise it.

To do so would cost a fortune, the exact same fortune the tories gave away by selling it off at a yellow sticker price.
And there goes the rest of it.

The government's remaining 30% stake in the Royal Mail is to be sold and £3bn cut from government spending this year, George Osborne has said.

The chancellor said the Royal Mail shares money - valued at £1.5bn - would be used to pay down the national debt.

The £3bn in cuts come ahead of further reductions to be announced in July.

so basically in 4 years time when they can't compete anymore we'll be getting our letters delivered by amazon.

Wonder if this last little sell off will accrue any graft for another of osbournes multi millionaire mates? Thieves.
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