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Roath - Skinny Blonde Runner

Ras Malai Bait

Active Member

I lived in Roath / Cathays / Penylan for many years.

I regularly used to see an anorexic looking blonde lady running around the rec. She seemed to be looking worse an worse every time i saw her. Literally a bag of bones.

I was just wondering if anyone knows if she's ok or anything?.......I haven't seen her for a good while. I was just hoping she's ok.

I lived in Roath / Cathays / Penylan for many years.

I regularly used to see an anorexic looking blonde lady running around the rec. She seemed to be looking worse an worse every time i saw her. Literally a bag of bones.

I was just wondering if anyone knows if she's ok or anything?.......I haven't seen her for a good while. I was just hoping she's ok.
Get back to the city board!:hmm:
some sensitive souls on this site.....

homophobic slurs??.......you told me to leave and go back to CCMB......because I showed care about someone who I have seen for many years.....

Report me for showing care.......

I couldn't care less......
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