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Ripleys Believe it or not Museum


Anyone been?

www.ripleys.com (takes aaages to load:confused:) this one is London specific http://www.ripleyslondon.com/

I've been searching high and low to find the name of this cos I've wanted to go since I heard about it, (all i could remember was Freak Show on Piccadilly) finally found it, and wow, it's nearly 18 quid a ticket to get in! :eek:

Am I gonna be dissapointed? :hmm:
Yes you will be unless you take some 10-12 year old kids.

It is bodge, tbf and there's loads of 'filler' stuff but my son loved it so much he didn't want to leave. So on the whole his enjoyment of it made it worth it for me. :)
Yes it is too expensive but there are quite a few 'two for one' or something deals, I think.
aaah 2-4-1's would be good, don't mind paying a tenner and being mildly dissapointed but 20 quid's a lot, though I'm quit excited about seeing Marilyn's make up case! :oops:

For some reason (probably going by what I read in the paper) I thought it'd be more of a 'freak show', whereas it seems like it's a museum of curios. The mirror maze looks fun though, those things always spin me out, and I get totally lost :D

How do they get shrunken heads, I don't geddit? :confused:
I only had a £2 off voucher but the people infront of me seemed to get in for VERY cheap by handing over a flyer.

It really is a museum of curios, some of them totally rubbish but some fun bits as well. I don't know about the shrunken heads, I walked quite quickly through that bit as I thought it would probably give VMboy nightmares. They couldn't possibly be real, could they? :hmm:
I've been to the one in Copenhagen & thought it was fantastic. I like that kind of tat though, I used to have the annuals/books when I was kid (and I'm pretty sure it was only about 6 quid or something in Copenhagen too).
We went to the one on International Drive in Orlando. It was quite good. They had this walk through thing that you stood in and all these stars were going around, made me feel fucking stoned that did.
I'd really like to go there too, with the child, but it is a helluva lot of money, especially when most other museums in the city are free.
I'd really like to go there too, with the child, but it is a helluva lot of money, especially when most other museums in the city are free.

Exactly. The best deal I found was 20% off unless you're coming by train (in which case it is 2 for 1).
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