Yuwipi Woman
Whack-A-Mole Queen
Ways of Seeing was the first book assigned when I went to art school.
Ways of Seeing was the first book assigned when I went to art school.
it's only 4 episodes, 30 mins each. you should be able to fit that in surely?His 1972 series seems to be on youtube as well, hope I have time to check it out sometime.
McNay was Arts Editor of the Guardian back in the 60s. I had to read that obituary twice - the first time I wondered if there was a element of score settling taking place. However I think it would be more accurate to say that it reflects the fact that in the late 50s and 60s, before Ways of Seeing became a set text in Media Studies, Berger's arts criticism was highly controversial in London arts circles and that some of those around at the time haven't forgotten that.Guardian obituary of John Berger is quite substantial and detailed. And worth a read IMO
Saying that, I don't know who Michael McNay is, but he's quite critical n places of what he sees as Berger's dogmatism ...