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RIP Dalian Atkinson

Although not all the evidence has been heard yet, I was pretty shocked to only just hear that they kicked him in the head too. :(

“PC Monk kicked him in the head with such force imprints of his boot laces were left in two parts of Mr Atkinson's forehead, while PC Bettley-Smith used her baton to strike him "a number of times" while he lay still in the road, the court was told.”
Although not all the evidence has been heard yet, I was pretty shocked to only just hear that they kicked him in the head too. :(

“PC Monk kicked him in the head with such force imprints of his boot laces were left in two parts of Mr Atkinson's forehead, while PC Bettley-Smith used her baton to strike him "a number of times" while he lay still in the road, the court was told.”

fuck me sideways
Following the lifting, earlier today, by Judge Simon Drew QC, at Birmingham Crown Court of an order protecting the identitities of the police officers involved in the killing of Dalian Atkinson, the two police officers can now be identified as West Mercia Police Constables Benjamin Monk and Mary Ellen Bettley-Smith.

Both officers were present at the hearing at Birmingham Crown Court today, at which their own lawyers agreed that anonymity could not be justified.

Prosecutor Paul Greaney QC told the court: 'The parties recognise that the principle of open justice is one of the highest importance. The parties are all agreed that anonymity cannot, on the evidence, be justified.'


(Source: as stated in the image)

PC Monk (right) is charged with Mr Atkinson's murder and his manslaughter, while his colleague PC Bettley-Smith (left) faces a charge of assault occasioning actual bodily harm.
Anyone who thinks those brown boots go with those trousers is guilty of something

And the shoes make it seem her on the left has cloven hoofs
OMG just heard the news about this. I was there at Wimbledon when he scored that wondergoal, as well as the League Cup semi v Tranmere and the final v Man Utd. On his day Dalian was unstoppable, and his partnership with Dean Saunders was the best Villa strikeforce apart from Little and Gray in the 70's. Always seemed like a nice kid too. What a tragic way to die, only 48 too. I'm sure any Villan who remembers him from back in the day will be really sad today, I know I am. RIP Dalian

came back from Fiorentina to play for City in Div 1. We were super hyped about his signing. Unfortunately he just wasn't in the right head-space. I would say he'd fallen out of love with the game but that would be both a disservice and platitudinal. He must have been suffering.
Although not all the evidence has been heard yet, I was pretty shocked to only just hear that they kicked him in the head too. :(

“PC Monk kicked him in the head with such force imprints of his boot laces were left in two parts of Mr Atkinson's forehead, while PC Bettley-Smith used her baton to strike him "a number of times" while he lay still in the road, the court was told.”
Heard some of this on the radio earlier today. Fucking horrible.

I have questions. Why has this taken 5 years to trial? Have these cunts been on full pay for those five years?


It does seem very slow, at every stage: He was killed in August 2016; it took the IOPC until October 2018 to finish the investigation; then just over a year for CPS to bring charges; then waiting for a court date (though courts are swamped, and I suppose it's right that defendants in custody have priority).

Apparently, they were immediately suspended, then reinstated on restricted duties in February 2018, then suspended again when charged. Suspensions are on full pay. So paid three years money they didn't work!
It does seem very slow, at every stage: He was killed in August 2016; it took the IOPC until October 2018 to investigate; then just over a year for CPS to bring charges; then waiting for a court date (though courts are swamped, and I suppose it's right that defendants in custody have priority).

Apparently, they were immediately suspended, then reinstated on restricted duties in February 2018, then suspended again when charged. Suspensions are on full pay. So paid three years money they didn't work!

are courts swamped?
Yeah, in particular why it took the CPS a year to decide after receiving a file from IOPC!?

if I kicked and tazered a human being to death on the street, I'd expect to be remanded and convicted within 8 months max
5. but yes, exactly.

Three to the point of charge (after which time the delays are getting a court date). But three years is a long time; fair enough there's likely to be some months toing-and-froing between pathologists, and for toxicology, and medical experts, but why the rest of the time? It's a straightforward case: gather any CCTV, interview witnesses, forensics on suspects uniforms and taser, maybe an expert on police tactics/training/policy re use of force, interview suspects.

But, most of all, the CPS took a year to read the file and decide!
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Three to the point of charge (after which time the delays are getting a court date). But three years is a long time; fair enough there's likely to be some months toing-and-froing between pathologists, and for toxicology, and medical experts, but why the rest of the time? It's a straightforward case: gather any CCTV, interview witnesses, forensics on suspects uniforms and taser, interview suspects.

But, most of all, the CPS took a year to read the file and decide!

wonder what they were musing over for so long... public opinion?
I hope he gets a lengthy sentence. From looking at the guidelines, this falls within the higher culpability bracket, with a roughly equal number of aggravating and mitigating factors, and with no guilty plea but limited risk of reoffending. So, I reckon it'll be around the eight year mark (of which he'd serve half). Doesn't seem enough.
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The officer claimed to have no recollection of placing his foot on Mr Atkinson's head as colleagues arrived at the scene.
However he conceded he must have kicked the ex-footballer twice in the forehead, because bootlace prints proved he had.

I hope he gets a lengthy sentence. From looking at the guidelines, this falls within the higher culpability bracket, with a roughly equal number of aggravating and mitigating factors, and with no guilty plea but limited risk of reopening. So, I reckon it'll be around the eight year mark (of which he'd serve half). Doesn't seem enough.

Chances of pension being stripped?
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