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Richard Davis’s Brilliant Photos of Hulme – 1980s and 1990s


These are bloody fantastic

Richard_Davis - Hulme, Manchester in the 1980s and 1990s

Richard_Davis - Hulme, Manchester in the 1980s and 1990s

Richard_Davis - Hulme, Manchester in the 1980s and 1990s

Richard_Davis - Hulme, Manchester in the 1980s and 1990s

Thanks for posting these. There's a small exhibition in Manchester of his work and the work of others from the same era. Some of them are ace. I live in Hulme so I love to see old photos of the place.

Here's a link to some of them.

More pics from old Hulme here. So many good memories, I'm always drawn back there.

Brings back a lot of memories.
I spent a lot of my youth around Moss side, Hulme, Bradford, Ancoats, etc. It was a weird time, when in the early to mid 80s we went from being friendly neighbours to bitter rivals, and the only thing I can put my finger on that could have caused that change was Margaret Thatcher.
More pics from old Hulme here. So many good memories, I'm always drawn back there.

Sixth photo down on the first attachment , I knew both of them bloke on the left was a graffiti artist did commercial work and stuff with schools/youth work, bloke on the right Chris Buxton he was a residential social worker in Didsbury , he was a bit of an anarchist type at the time. Photo prob taken in the Salutation.
Sixth photo down on the first attachment , I knew both of them bloke on the left was a graffiti artist did commercial work and stuff with schools/youth work, bloke on the right Chris Buxton he was a residential social worker in Didsbury , he was a bit of an anarchist type at the time. Photo prob taken in the Salutation.

Chris is one of my best mates :thumbs: ....still a SW. Kelso seems to be turning his hand to local history on social media, still does a lot of graffiti. Pretty sure the photo is in the junction.
Chris is one of my best mates :thumbs: ....still a SW. Kelso seems to be turning his hand to local history on social media, still does a lot of graffiti. Pretty sure the photo is in the junction.
Nice one . Always had time for Chris. Kelso yup only knew him to say hallo to tbh . I used to manage the footie team at the Junction then moved the team to the Red Lion in Withington
Sixth photo down on the first attachment , I knew both of them bloke on the left was a graffiti artist did commercial work and stuff with schools/youth work, bloke on the right Chris Buxton he was a residential social worker in Didsbury , he was a bit of an anarchist type at the time. Photo prob taken in the Salutation.
Al Baker, the photographer of those images in the first link, is still around too.
Thanks for posting these. There's a small exhibition in Manchester of his work and the work of others from the same era. Some of them are ace. I live in Hulme so I love to see old photos of the place.

Here's a link to some of them.

* waves from elsewhere in Hulme *
For any nostalgia nerds who like a bit of art, The Modernist sells a print of Hulme Crescents:

And not so much of a nostalgia thing, but Stanley Chow has a stylised Hulme arch bridge print:

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