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Rewilding initiatives

danny la rouge

More like *fanny* la rouge!
I did used to have this endlessly long-winded, incredibly nuanced view on rewilding - what we could have, what we probably couldn't - and then I lived in Poland for 18 months, where they have Lynx, Boar, Wolves, Bears and Bison, and I've solidly moved to 'yeah, fuck it - bring it all on'.

My replacement has a Lurcher which he's taken over to Poland - apparently she's learned an element of circumspection: she got there and was charging about like a mad thing in this vast wilderness, and then she met a Bear...
Thank you to wiskey for already posting about this. I thought it needed a thread though:

Re-engineered aurochs release in Scottish highlands.

I very much approve. This is great stuff. ❤️

I have no issue with large semiferal bovids being used for habitat maintenance. However, all since registering by selective breeding something that looks like something that used to exist is pseudoscience which not only sounds a bit Nazi but actually is a bit Nazi.

By heck, these pseudo-aurochs are probably descendants of the Heck brothers Heck Cattle.

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I have no issue with large semiferal bovids being used for habitat maintenance. However, all since registering by selective breeding something that looks like something that used to exist is pseudoscience which not only sounds a bit Nazi but actually is a bit Nazi.

By heck, these pseudo-aurochs are probably descendants of the Heck brothers Heck Cattle.

Since Crazy Horse was a tea totalers all tea totalers are First Nation Elders.
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Reintroduction of wolves is causing a controversy in US West. Mountain lions are re-introducing themselves
Reintroduction of wolves is causing a controversy in US West. Mountain lions are re-introducing themselves
A wolf reintroduced itself to Belgium and ate a kangaroo.

BBC News - Wolf 'snatches pet kangaroo' from Belgium home - BBC News
Thank you to wiskey for already posting about this. I thought it needed a thread though:

Re-engineered aurochs release in Scottish highlands.

I very much approve. This is great stuff. ❤️

<Awaits announcement of deep-fried battered auroch burgers..> :hmm:
I'm hoping this govt will give the green light to beavers at least, and possibly boars. And it would be really cool if they allowed lynx but Starmer has already conditioned us not to expect anything too nice so I'm adjusting my expectations of that.

Of course proper rewilding has to be done on a large scale, which is very difficult in this country. We'll always be a bit limited so I'm resigned to calling our titchy little schemes rewilding even though americans would laugh at them. I'm still not resigned to calling regenerative farming projects like Knepp rewilding though. If you're cultivating farm animals within fences and making part of your revenue selling the meat then it's not proper rewilding, sorry.
White tailed eagles were extinct in the UK for 70 years but were successfully reintroduced in the 70s and 80s in Scotland with birds from Norway and now we have 150+ breeding pairs. There's another project on the Isle of Wight in its infancy too.

Yeah, I meant unfenced and without needing authorisation for every new group. Nothing that has to be kept in a fence is properly rewilded imo.

We've got an introduced Beaver colony in the Wyre Forest. I was chatting to one of the FC Rangers and she said that the legislation had changed, and that beavers were know classed as a native species which meant it was much easier to introduce them to new (old?) locations.
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