just booked tickets to newcastle
just booked tickets to newcastle
VS Everton?
Moaty tour?
Moaty tour?
unfortunatly not
A hike up the side?
I think I'll try that route you told me about last week.
Up the steps to a Church?
I have run out of smokes now
Steps opposite the Swing Bridge bring you out next to the castle - street view
bought a bottle of Pepsi Max today - it tastes awful - give me coke any day
It's even worse when you order coke in a pub/cafe situation and they give you Pepsi but you don't realise until you drink it
Steps opposite the Swing Bridge bring you out next to the castle - street view
Also if you need refreshment when you get to the top The Bridge is decent
yes! I can't understand who so many people drink pepsi - it's a fucking mystery!
bought a bottle of Pepsi Max today - it tastes awful - give me coke any day
Noooooo marty - I love pepsi max, much more so than coke!!!
Noooooo marty - I love pepsi max, much more so than coke!!!
both coke and pepsi are fucking gross
Noooooo marty - I love pepsi max, much more so than coke!!!
if there were only 2 drinks in the world - Coke or Pepsi - what would you choose?