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Reporting possible mistreatment of dogs

Clair De Lune

Apocalypse cocktails
So some neighbours two doors up from mine have a lot of dogs. I don't know how many as I never see them, just hear them...but it sounds like a lot. When they are let out the back they go absolutely nuts fighting and barking. Now I know that dogs fighting can often sound far more horrendous than it actually is but still it's unpleasant to hear. The owners scream and try to split them up. Then they usually calm down TBF. The owners have an unusual method of calming them by putting on a bubble machine which works. I swear I'm starting to associate bubbles with horrible sounding dog fights now.

My issue though is that they never seem to be taken for a walk...ever. It seems the garden is their only time outside and my neighbour who lives next to them says the smell of shit and piss coming over the wall is terrible. Thankfully I can't smell it from mine. My neighbour has lived here for years and has not once seen them walked. The dogs really do his head in as he has to hear them through the walls too when they are inside and they wake him up a lot at night.
I'm really not the reporting people kinda person but I feel like those dogs aren't happy and could be being kept in unpleasant conditions with no exercise which if true, I imagine is why they are so agressive.

I dunno how many dogs people are actually allowed to keep or why they have what sounds like so many.

What would you do? I don't really want to make enemies of these people as they seem pretty anti social and hostile and so far they don't hate me as I just smile politely when I see them in the street :oops::D
mind you would be obvious where it was taken if released or referred to anywhere, unless you can get at it unobserved from another side.
If the smell is bad and you can get inspectors out then standing in the neighbour's garden they should be able to get a whiff of it and that might kick start things. Other than that, local paper or is that a bit too NIMBY?
Poor dogs. They’re clearly not happy. :( Are the owners disabled? Perhaps they’re struggling? Or maybe they’re just awful people who don’t care. Heartbreaking either way. Sorry the RSPCA wouldn’t help. Perhaps call environmental health?

This ^^^ looks like sound advice in relation to the barking AND the smells your neighbour is having to live with.

RSPCA for welfare of the dogs. Local authority for the noise nuisance - though they will want a diary and / or logs before doing anything. Keep a log of time of day, duration and loudness then, if you want to, refer it to Environmental Health at the council - though reality check they will probably be massively under resourced.
Unfortunately I don’t think taking dogs for walks is a legal requirement. As long as they have adequate food, fresh water and shelter from the elements that’s probably enough.
Council for environmental health and noise complaints might get you further.
Called them. They're not accepting requests for advice right now only urgent reports for seriously sick or injured animals.
:( Did they say why?
I hope it isn't to do with the very many new dogs that people who have never had dogs before seem to have gotten during the lockdowns. I've not seen any mistreatment but have noticed people sort of struggling here in the park, just clueless.
RSPCA or maybe local Dogs Trust ?

For noise / dirt & health hazards that would be the local environemntal health.
Keep whinging at them, and if little happens, the local councillor & newspape.r
Unfortunately I don’t think taking dogs for walks is a legal requirement. As long as they have adequate food, fresh water and shelter from the elements that’s probably enough.
Council for environmental health and noise complaints might get you further.
Really? There must be some precedent for this? Most dogs require exercise so not providing them with it must be neglect?
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