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Recommended: the Belgian coast


Well-Known Member
We went for a few days this August. If you've got children, live in the South East, like clean and cared for sandy beaches with proper sandy sand, would definitely recommend.

Or if you are properly U75, if you like decaying 70s brutalism by the sea, with lashings of USA style ribbon development suburbs (and you also love a beach in your downtime) , would also recommend. Ostend felt like a weird concrete Marbella.

Cheaper, much cheaper, than say Bournemouth or Devon, better beaches, short drive from the ferry at Dunkirk or lots of rail connections. Lots of bike stuff and bike infrastructure, and a great tram that goes all along the coast

This is where Belgians go for their holidays, they were lovely people, friendly and helpful, but it's not designed for UK tourists. I'm not one of those people who make a fetish out of getting away from other tourists, but it was genuinely interesting to watch another country and their people at play.
Only been to Ostend so can't recommend any other coastal locations. Atomium in Brussels could be worth an educational visit.
Years ago we went to Sun Parks at De Haan (much cheaper than say Centre Parks) , it was great - you got a little house (car free) , great sandy beaches and a handy Coast tram for exploring a bit. Easy travelling and all the rest.
Funnily enough, this is what we've pencilled in for next year's holiday (have booked somewhere we can cancel in De Haan), so good to know it comes with a recommendation! We planned to Eurostar it and hire bikes/use the tram once we got there.
Funnily enough, this is what we've pencilled in for next year's holiday (have booked somewhere we can cancel in De Haan), so good to know it comes with a recommendation! We planned to Eurostar it and hire bikes/use the tram once we got there.

De Haan is quite interesting for middle 20th century villa architecture , sort of Welwyn Garden City on sea ! .......(not at all like Pontins for sure !)
We often went to Belgium when we lived in Leatherhead. It's a great country. We used to rent the little houses in Sun Parks. We considered buying one, we liked it so much.

I strongly recommend the beaches. They're clean and, in our experience, not overcrowded.
The Ostend Riviera is ignored by Brits, but I don't mind it. There a great selection of 20th C Belgian built forts and stuff you can trudge around. And Chips
We did go, in August. Loved it, De Haan is a beautiful spot with the best tram station in the world. Ate lots of waffles, beer, and moules frites, lovely beaches and there's the Frites Museum in nearby Bruges.
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