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Recipe suggestions for frozen peppered smoked boneless mackerel.

Its just risotto rice that I always mess up - other rice is fine.

I now have more than a dozen recipes for mackerel (thanks folks!), so this week I'll be mostly eating...mackerel. :D

Oh, and aqua - I already have eggs in stock and bought some bagels so might have scrambled eggs n mackerel bagels tomorrow. Should I slather the toasted bagels with butter? Or is that an incredibly dumb question? :D

Also bought some cream cheese for pate production. :cool:

I think I'll adopt this strategy next time I'm staring into the fridge wondering what on earth to have for dinner - just post a picture of my fridge contents and eat what you lot tell me. Much easier and less stress all round. First world problems indeed. :D
I think you know the answer to that question
If the mackerel is also going on the bagel why waste goat butter on it? Surely if you have goat butter it is because you like the taste of it. It's not rocket science!
I was in a pub the other day that had a reputation for food. There was a menu on the bar offering "Home made Mackeral Pate. That sounds good to me. Next time I am in there I will ask how it is made. After that I will try the recipe myself.
I was thinking last night, I was possibly cleaning my teeth and that's one of the times for random thoughts ime, that if the mackerel is smoked then how can it go 'off' one night? The whole point of smoking a thing is to preserve it, therefore you have frozen some of it unnecessarily. Just thought I'd share :)
I see your reasoning, but I'm totally paranoid with fish. Had food poisoning from it before - and do not want to experience that again! :(
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