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Recipe suggestions for frozen peppered smoked boneless mackerel.


I'm Petee's spirit animal
I was shoving a pack of mackerel in the freezer as I won't use it by today BBE date, and realised I've got another two packs already stashed away. :facepalm:

It doesn't tend to defrost well in my experience (goes a bit squishy), so eating it by itself might not be an option.

So I've got around 500g of mackerel to use in some fashion, so any recipe suggestions would be appreciated! :)
Simple, cheap and easy option:

Do a tuna pasta type thing, but with smoked mackerel instead. That'd be lush.

Tricolore pasta, Sweetcorn, a red pepper, some mushrooms, the mackerel, a splodge of low-fat mayo and a teaspoon of mustard. Black pepper, a bit of lo-salt, and perhaps some paprika.
I usually boil up some long grain rice(or defrost some pilau) and shove the mackerel, some peppers, sweetcorn and peas all int eh pot and stir it a while before serving. Is it only risotto rice you have a problem with or rice in general? If it's rice in general use pasta :)
Its just risotto rice that I always mess up - other rice is fine.

I now have more than a dozen recipes for mackerel (thanks folks!), so this week I'll be mostly eating...mackerel. :D

Oh, and aqua - I already have eggs in stock and bought some bagels so might have scrambled eggs n mackerel bagels tomorrow. Should I slather the toasted bagels with butter? Or is that an incredibly dumb question? :D

Also bought some cream cheese for pate production. :cool:

I think I'll adopt this strategy next time I'm staring into the fridge wondering what on earth to have for dinner - just post a picture of my fridge contents and eat what you lot tell me. Much easier and less stress all round. First world problems indeed. :D
blend it with an equal quantity of (full fat) cottage cheese and a squeeze of lemon juice = smoked mackerel pate :thumbs:
I do that, but mash it with with creme fraiche. Works every time. Salt and pepper?
As someone said, horseradish is a good thing to use with smoked mackerel. I had plans to add some gooseberries to mine, but they are not on sale, and the ones we planted in the garden are not co-operating.
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