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Real voices of evacuated kids and carers. BBC outside broadcast from September 1939


EXPLODED TIM! (Help me!!!)
I really like this amusingly if rather patronising posh BBC person trundling round a Lancashire Mill Town interviewing sensible sounding folk aboute their experiences. My mother grew up in a Mill Town on the Yorkshire side of the Pennines which adds a certain poignancy. She would have been six months old when this was recorded, the youngest interviewee was two and a half. It's nice to hear something from this period with working class people speaking for themselves, rather than the usual stereotypes

For a contrast here's Twitter link with some snotty BBC high-up explaining why Scottish and Northern men would unsettle decent folk if they were allowed to read the news in their own accents and why women newsreaders were totally unacceptable. There's a strong reek of unearned and unacknowledged privilege to it. However, it is redeemed by having experimental clips of Wilfred Pickles translating the North African Campaign into Yorkshire and Elizabeth Cowell reporting back from the Eastern Front. I'm sure elements of Pickles speech would raise hackles even now.

There's a second video with Malcolm Buggeridge interviewing an absolutely bonkers Lord Reith on accents.
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